Quizzfly is a quiz app that allows you to create quizzes and play quizzes. It is built with Vue 3, Tailwind CSS, Pinia, Vueuse, and Color Mode.
- 📖 Demo
- This Project using "yarn" as package manager, you can change it to "npm" or "pnpm" if you want.
- 📚 Shadcn-vue
- 💨 Tailwind CSS v3
- 🔔 Ofetch
- 🛹 State & Store Management (Pinia)
- 📦 Vue Composition Collection (Vueuse)
- 🪝 Built-in Awesome Component & Layout
you can direct to clone this repository and just make change on app/
folder as your main project folder.
- clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/viandwi24/nuxt3-awesome-starter
- install dependencies
pnpm install
- run development server
pnpm dev