Application URLs - DEVELOPMENT:

Docker Command Examples

  • Create a ".env" file at the same location with docker-compose.yml file: COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=tedu_microservices_idp
  • run command: docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --remove-orphans --build
  • Run script: idp_stores.sql in DatabaseScripts/Store Procedures

Application URLs - PRODUCTION:

Packages References

Install Environment

References URLS

Migrations commands (cd into TeduMicroservices.IDP project):

  • dotnet ef database update -c PersistedGrantDbContext
  • dotnet ef database update -c ConfigurationDbContext
  • dotnet ef migrations add "Init_Identity" -c TeduIdentityContext -s TeduMicroservices.IDP.csproj -p ../TeduMicroservices.IDP.Infrastructure/TeduMicroservices.IDP.Infrastructure.csproj -o Persistence/Migrations
  • dotnet ef database update -c TeduIdentityContext -s TeduMicroservices.IDP.csproj -p ../TeduMicroservices.IDP.Infrastructure/TeduMicroservices.IDP.Infrastructure.csproj

Useful commands:

  • Docker build (root folder): docker build -t tedu_microservice_idp:latest -f src/TeduMicroservices.IDP/Dockerfile src/.
  • Update migration (root folder):
    • dotnet ef database update -c PersistedGrantDbContext -s src/TeduMicroservices.IDP/TeduMicroservices.IDP.csproj --connection "${connection_string}"
    • dotnet ef database update -c ConfigurationDbContext -s src/TeduMicroservices.IDP/TeduMicroservices.IDP.csproj --connection "${connection_string}"
    • dotnet ef database update -c TeduIdentityContext -p src/TeduMicroservices.IDP.Infrastructure/TeduMicroservices.IDP.Infrastructure.csproj -s src/TeduMicroservices.IDP/TeduMicroservices.IDP.csproj --connection "${connection_string}"

https certificate with Docker Compose:

  • Create a .pfx file:
    • MacOS: dotnet dev-certs https -ep ${HOME}/.aspnet/https/tedu-idp.pfx -p password!
    • WindowsOS: dotnet dev-certs https -ep %USERPROFILE%.aspnet\https\tedu-idp.pfx -p password!
  • Trust the file: dotnet dev-certs https --trust