This is an official implementation of KDAS for Knowledge Distillation Polyp Segmentation

Primary LanguagePython


This is an official implementation of KDAS: Knowledge distillation Framework via Attention Supervision for Polyp Segmentation.

Author: Quoc-Huy Trinh, Phuoc-Thao Vo Thi, and Minh-Van Nguyen

Paper link: Arxiv

News ❗

We are happy to share that this paper has been accepted at ICME 2024.


To install all of the packages for training, please install via the requirements.txt file. Please follow this command to install:

pip install -r requirements.txt


For the dataset, we use the dataset follow the setting of PraNet, we also provided the data in this Drive link to download the data via google drive.

After downloading this dataset, you can unzip the training data and testing data, then put them into the ./data/ folder for the training data.


For training, you run train_kd_paper.py file via command:

python train_kd_paper.py

Or you can run the script that we prepared via bash script file train.sh via:

bash train.sh

After running the training script, the training process will start. We also tried experiments on RTX5000, and it works well, so notice the batch size to reduce the OOM problem.

The teacher weight can be found at Polyp-PVT or in my Drive, we train our student model on the PVTV2-B0 backbone with the architecture from Polyp-PVT teacher, please put teacher weight in ./teacher_weights/ folder.


For produce the testing segmented mask, use test_paper.py file via this command:

python test_paper.py

From this one, you can run the segmentation on the test dataset, and it will save the result in the folder /result_map/PolypPVT_vis.

To evaluate the result, please follow this instruction from UACANet, however, we also prepare the evaluation script via eval.py file. You can run the evaluation via the configuration in ./configs/eval.yaml. The following command will run the evaluation.

python run/Eval.py --config configs/eval.yaml --verbose

After you run the testing file, the ground truth path and the mask segmented can be defined in the configuration file. This benchmark follow the benchmark setup from PraNet, which is used in the Polyp Segmentation task.

The Polyp-PVT-B0 distilled weights (about 5M parameters) can be found in Drive


The following is the mask results from the distilled model of our training and testing:


Thank you so much for following setup to help me finish this research.

  1. Polyp-PVT

  2. PraNet

  3. UACANet


      title={KDAS3: Knowledge distillation via Attention Supervision, and Symmetrical structure guiding for Polyp Segmentation}, 
      author={Quoc-Huy Trinh},