- 2
"Type 'System.String' does not have a default constructor (Parameter 'type')"
#103 opened by GustavoDamasceno - 4
- 0
- 1
Use SAML SSO token instead of credentials
#100 opened by mdusane - 3
RFC_CONVERSION_FAILURE with message: [My-table-return] of type RFCTYPE_TABLE cannot be converted to type RFC_STRUCTURE_HANDLE
#99 opened by GustavoDamasceno - 4
- 0
- 3
Incorrect number of arguments supplied for call to method 'Char get_Chars(Int32)' (Parameter 'property')
#97 opened by jefferson-cruz - 0
- 2
GetFunctionMetadata will get the old metadata
#95 opened by dotneterwhj - 0
#94 opened by Rohit68585 - 5
- 1
How to turn off the generation of rfc log files, such as "rfc32956_21472.trc"?
#91 opened by qinjinyan - 1
SAP RFC Error: RFC_CONVERSION_FAILURE with message: PRUEFLOS of type RFCTYPE_NUM cannot be converted to type RFC_INT8
#93 opened by wangfei9999 - 0
There is a function method that returns RFCTYPE_ Table, how can I obtain this type of data
#92 opened by 13205090490 - 1
我无法使用IEnumerable 这是为什么?
#87 opened by wangfei9999 - 0
Takes a long time to get data from a BAPI result when there are too many rows to be read.
#89 opened by dhami48 - 4
How do pass table parameters
#79 opened by basis100 - 3
.NET 6 API crashing whenever an RFC is called when using "InProcess" hosting model in IIS
#62 opened by bgmulinari - 12
Unable to connect to SAP using 64bit dlls, whereas it works with 32bit
#80 opened by saurabhsrivastava2009 - 2
- 0
Looking for maintainers
#85 opened by huysentruitw - 0
- 0
- 3
Unable to convert from bool to ABAP Flags
#81 opened by gedlbauer - 9
- 2
- 3
- 2
- 2
connection.Connect() not working
#67 opened by deus82ex - 5
Receiving "No transaction handler is installed. Unable to process tRFC/qRFC requests." Error on Generic RFC Communication
#75 opened by arunksinfo - 3
How to fetch data from RFCTable
#74 opened by karthik090782 - 2
(Question) C++ binaries ?
#71 opened by olsonperrensen - 3
RFC Server - delegate gets garbage collected
#56 opened by tom-j-irvine - 1
Problem with SapPooledConnection
#57 opened by jecojack - 7
Custom Output data binding
#48 opened by AlexAlexGoTO - 5
How to get the Structure Metadata and how we can access table in strucuture.
#41 opened by MaheshBollampally - 1
long? int? decimal? ... nullable type
#61 opened by kzkrawo - 3
Pool connection blocked ?
#43 opened by lucas-garrido - 1
Throw error in Centos7.8
#69 opened by Crazyweed - 2
- 0
How to remove it(rfc01388_03308)
#65 opened by csr2 - 2
net48 - cannot establish connection
#63 opened by realjohntran - 5
#60 opened by kzkrawo - 2
STRING_TABLE not supported
#58 opened by mrmorrandir - 1
Unable to run RFC Server in Linux Container
#49 opened by tom-j-irvine - 0
- 2
new SapConnection(connectionString) :SapNwRfc.Exceptions.SapException Conversion error between two character sets
#46 opened by Kiakaa - 1
Number:000 exception
#45 opened by AlexAlexGoTO - 0
Connection.Connect() issue on IIS
#40 opened by JonatanAttest