Mostly from Redhound with some personal modifications.
- AwesomeWM
- Rofi
- Compton
- i3lock
- xclip
- maim (for screenshot)
- lxappearance
- playerctl and libplayerctl-dev (for global media control)
Run the following commands in the terminal. This also creates a backup for any pre-existing configuration.
git clone --depth 1
cp ~/.config/awesome ~/.config/awesome_backup
mv awesome-wm-config ~/.config/awesome
Start lxappearance to active the icon theme and GTK theme
Note: for cursor theme, edit ~/.icons/default/index.theme
and ~/.config/gtk3-0/settings.ini
, for the change to also show up in applications run as root, copy the 2 files over to their respective place in /root
First install qt5-style-plugins
(or qt5-style-gtk2
) and add this to the bottom of your /etc/environment
Put wallpapers in $HOME/Pictures/Wallpapers
, they will be used as wallpapers and lock screen background.
All only PNG files are used for lock screen.