INSTRUCTION ----------- This repository is for Advent of Sharing authors to collaborate to create the online/PDF bundle for all the AoS entries. If you are not one of the authors, it's best to stay back and wait for the final release of the magazine. If you are one of the author, do the following: 1. Clone this repository to your local machine 2. Add your entry to the ./data folder. The file name should be "day-<n>.md" where n is the day of your entry. 3. Run the preview server with: $ cd public && npx run serve You should have the web app running at http://localhost:3000 4. Run the build script (in the project's root folder) with: $ npm run build The built content should be present in the ./public folder. As you working on your article, re-run the build script and hit F5 to see the updated content in the web app. (Yes, there is no hot reload or whatever the hell you think in this repo) Finally, if you already happy with your entry, create a PR and wait until I come back from the vacation :v P/S: The npm command does not work? Did I mention the "npm install" command?