
ID Problem Official
MySQL Comments
175 Combine Two Tables solution MySQL
176 Second Highest Salary solution MySQL
181 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers solution MySQL
182 Duplicate Emails solution MySQL
183 Customers Who Never Order solution MySQL
184 Department Highest Salary solution MySQL
196 Delete Duplicate Emails solution MySQL DELETE FROM SELF JOIN Table
197 Rising Temperature solution MySQL DATE_SUB or DATEDIFF
511 Game Play Analysis I [无] MySQL
570 Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports solution MySQL
580 Count Student Number in Departments solution MySQL
584 Find Customer Referee solution MySQL IFNULL
586 Customer Placing the Largest Number of Orders solution MySQL ORDER BY and LIMIT 1 to get max/min value
595 Big Countries solution MySQL
607 Sales Person solution MySQL
608 Tree Node solution MySQL IF or CASE
619 Biggest Single Number solution MySQL
627 Swap Salary solution MySQL IF or CASE
1050 Actors and Directors Who Cooperated At Least Three Times [无] MySQL
1084 Sales Analysis III [无] MySQL
1112 Highest Grade For Each Student [无] MySQL
1141 User Activity for the Past 30 Days I [无] MySQL
1148 Article Views I [无] MySQL
1158 Market Analysis I [无] MySQL The diff between WHERE and AND in LEFT JOIN
1173 Immediate Food Delivery I [无] MySQL
1211 Queries Quality and Percentage [无] MySQL
1251 Average Selling Price [无] MySQL
1264 Page Recommendations [无] MySQL
1280 Students and Examinations [无] MySQL
1303 Find the Team Size [无] MySQL
1350 Students With Invalid Departments [无] MySQL
1393 Capital Gain/Loss [无] MySQL
1398 Customers Who Bought Products A and B but Not C [无] MySQL
1407 Top Travellers [无] MySQL
1440 Evaluate Boolean Expression [无] MySQL JOIN 3 Tables
1445 Apples & Oranges [无] MySQL
1484 Group Sold Products By The Date [无] MySQL GROUP_CONCAT
1527 Patients With a Condition [无] MySQL
1571 Warehouse Manager [无] MySQL
1581 Customer Who Visited but Did Not Make Any Transactions [无] MySQL
1587 Bank Account Summary II [无] MySQL JOIN (NOT LEFT JOIN)
1607 Sellers With No Sales [无] MySQL
1633 Percentage of Users Attended a Contest [无] MySQL
1667 Fix Names in a Table [无] MySQL UPPER, LOWER, SUBSTRING, CONCAT
1693 Daily Leads and Partners [无] MySQL
1699 Number of Calls Between Two Persons [无] MySQL GREATEST, LEAST
1729 Find Followers Count [无] MySQL
1741 Find Total Time Spent by Each Employee [无] MySQL
1757 Recyclable and Low Fat Products [无] MySQL
1795 Rearrange Products Table [无] MySQL
1873 Calculate Special Bonus [无] MySQL SELECT CASE 或者 SELECT IF 的使用
1890 The Latest Login in 2020 [无] MySQL YEAR
1965 Employees With Missing Information [无] MySQL