
This project is related to our video on AA library

Primary LanguageJava


This example shows how to use Android Annotations Library in your apps.

Main gradle file

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App Gradle file

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Android Manifest file

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This is what you will see in your emulator when the app runs.


Inject Drawables, Color Resources, Options Menu, Views, Activities and System Services with Android Annotations

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Handle button clicks, long clicks, touches, and options menu item clicks with Android Annotations

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Replace AsyncTask with methods that have a simple @Background and @UiThread to indicate they run on the respective threads with Android Annotations.

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Inject Intent Extras directly into the other Activity without calling getExtras() and doing all the ground work

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Use the modified class names in your AndroidManifest.xml and Intents because Android Annotation generates classes on your behalf with an _ appended at the end which you must use everywhere you need to refer to them.

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Add ItemClicks and ItemLongClicks for a ListView easily

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