- certification program: Udacity - Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Program
- duration: 4 months, 10h+/week
- activity: mind-blowing theory & development of 5 reviewed blockchain projects
Private BlockchainDigitalAssets Dapp is a private blockchain used as a star register.
- You offer private blockchain as a service
- Fans of astronomy can register stars signing them with their Bitcoin Wallet
- The first to register a star will be it's owner
Ethereum CryptoStar Dapp is a star register.
- User can register a star as a non-fungible token (ERC-721)
- User can search the stars
Ethereum SupplyChain is a supply chain item's tracker.
- The product's authenticity can be tracked and audited
- The smart contracts have a fine-grain user permission's management
- A state machine controls the correct state transition
Ethereum FlightSurety Dapp is a flight delay insurance for passengers.
- Managed as a collaboration between multiple airlines
- The passengers purchase insurance prior to flight
- If flight is delayed due to airline fault, passengers are paid 1.5X the amount they paid for the insurance
- Oracles provide flight status information
- The smart contract is upgradable
- The smart contract securely requests and receives information from oracles
- Airlines registration implements multi-party consensus
Ethereum RealEstateMarketplace Dapp is a decentralized marketplace for house property owners.
- Every house property is mint as NFT
- zk-SNARKs proof protects the title's ownership privacy
- A title ownership can be verified through an ethereum solidity contract
- House properties can be traded on a public NFT marketplace OpenSea
My name is Andrey Zahariev Stoev. I am working as Senior Software Architect in Switzerland. I love software craftsmanship and systems thinking. I am passionate about travel, languages and cultural diversity exploration.