
A collaborative registry of unencumbered public-domain software projects using the Unlicense or CC0.

Registry of Unencumbered Software Projects

This is a collaborative metadata registry of unencumbered public-domain software projects. That encompasses all projects using the Unlicense, Creative Commons Zero (CC0), or a plain old public-domain dedication.

Project metadata are described in JSON format, one file per project, utilizing the terms from the DOAP (Description of a Project) schema.

The current plan is that this project metadata will be made available in HTML, JSON, and JSON-LD format at Unlicense.org going forward.

All material in this repository is itself in the public domain.

Example Project Description

See projects/sqlite.json for an example of how to describe a project:

  "name": "SQLite",
  "homepage": "https://sqlite.org",
  "shortdesc": {
    "en": "The most used database engine in the world."
  "repository": {
    "browse": "https://sqlite.org/src",
    "location": "http://sqlite.org/cgi/src"
  "license": "https://sqlite.org/copyright.html"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I suggest a project without submitting a pull request?

A: To just suggest a project addition, please tweet at @TheUnlicense on Twitter.

Q: Will you accept WTFPL or 0BSD projects?

A: No, as these are not public-domain dedications but rather maximally-permissive copyright licenses. Please see Licensed, License-Free, and Unlicensed Code.

Q: Will you accept non-software projects in the public domain?

A: No, not in this registry. Consider submitting non-software projects to johnjago/awesome-uncopyright instead.

See Also