
Quake 3 Rocket Arena 3 Server

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Quake 3 Rocket Arena 3 Server

Docker Cloud Automated build Docker Cloud Build Status Docker Image Size (latest by date)

Quake 3 server for Rocket Arena 3 using Quake3e. Requires pak0.pk3 from original install.


You can change the most common settings using enviromental flags

Option Default value Description
ARENACFG arena.cfg The name of the arena config file.
COM_HUNKMEGS 64 Memory allocated for server
G_ADMINPASS foo In-game admin password
G_CHATFLOOD 5:5:2 Chat flood protection
G_MOTD Welcome to Rocket Arena 3... This message will scroll on the bottom of the arena selection menu
G_TRACKPLAYERS 1 Enable player tracking
G_TRACKSTATS 1 Enable stats tracking
G_VOTEINTERVAL 30 Minimum of seconds between allowed callvote command
G_VOTEPERCENT 60 Votepercent for callvote commands
LOCATION 0 Set server region information, se list below
MAP ra3map10 Set initial map
RCONPASSWORD foo Remote console password
SV_FLOODPROTECT 0 sv_floodprotect to 0
SV_FPS 30 Set server fps
SV_HOSTNAME Rocket Arena 3 1.7 Server Set your server's name
SV_MAXCLIENTS 16 Set the max number of clients to connect
SV_PRIVATECLIENTS 0 Uncomment this var to reserve spots for people with the privatePassword
SV_PRIVATEPASSWORD qwerty Set the private password to use the private spots with
SV_STRICTAUTH 0 You will want to disable strictauth because it's broken and not needed
TIMELIMIT 30 Set the time to cycle maps, ra3 does not use fraglimit, only timelimit


Use the following for location:

  • Region 0: No Region Specified (any Region)
  • Region 1: Southeast US
  • Region 2: Western US
  • Region 3: Midwest US
  • Region 4: Northwest US, West Canada
  • Region 5: Northeast US, East Canada
  • Region 6: United Kingdom
  • Region 7: Continental Europe
  • Region 8: Central Asia, Middle East
  • Region 9: Southeast Asia, Pacific
  • Region 10: Africa
  • Region 11: Australia / NZ / Pacific
  • Region 12: Central, South America

docker example

docker run -d \
    --name q3ra3 \
    -p 27960:27960/udp \
    -v "./pak0.pk3:/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3" \
    -v "./server.cfg:/quake3/arena/server.cfg" \
    -v "./arena.cfg:/quake3/arena/arena.cfg" \

docker-compose example

version: "3"

    image: ra3se/q3ra3-server
    restart: always
      - "27960:27960/udp"
      - "${PWD}/pak0.pk3:/usr/share/games/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3"
      - "${PWD}/server.cfg:/usr/share/games/quake3/arena/server.cfg"
      - "${PWD}/arena.cfg:/usr/share/games/quake3/arena/arena.cfg"