Quake 3 server for Rocket Arena 3 using Quake3e. Requires pak0.pk3 from original install.
You can change the most common settings using enviromental flags
Option | Default value | Description |
ARENACFG | arena.cfg | The name of the arena config file. |
COM_HUNKMEGS | 64 | Memory allocated for server |
G_ADMINPASS | foo | In-game admin password |
G_CHATFLOOD | 5:5:2 | Chat flood protection |
G_MOTD | Welcome to Rocket Arena 3... | This message will scroll on the bottom of the arena selection menu |
G_TRACKPLAYERS | 1 | Enable player tracking |
G_TRACKSTATS | 1 | Enable stats tracking |
G_VOTEINTERVAL | 30 | Minimum of seconds between allowed callvote command |
G_VOTEPERCENT | 60 | Votepercent for callvote commands |
LOCATION | 0 | Set server region information, se list below |
MAP | ra3map10 | Set initial map |
RCONPASSWORD | foo | Remote console password |
SV_FLOODPROTECT | 0 | sv_floodprotect to 0 |
SV_FPS | 30 | Set server fps |
SV_HOSTNAME | Rocket Arena 3 1.7 Server | Set your server's name |
SV_MAXCLIENTS | 16 | Set the max number of clients to connect |
SV_PRIVATECLIENTS | 0 | Uncomment this var to reserve spots for people with the privatePassword |
SV_PRIVATEPASSWORD | qwerty | Set the private password to use the private spots with |
SV_STRICTAUTH | 0 | You will want to disable strictauth because it's broken and not needed |
TIMELIMIT | 30 | Set the time to cycle maps, ra3 does not use fraglimit, only timelimit |
Use the following for location:
- Region 0: No Region Specified (any Region)
- Region 1: Southeast US
- Region 2: Western US
- Region 3: Midwest US
- Region 4: Northwest US, West Canada
- Region 5: Northeast US, East Canada
- Region 6: United Kingdom
- Region 7: Continental Europe
- Region 8: Central Asia, Middle East
- Region 9: Southeast Asia, Pacific
- Region 10: Africa
- Region 11: Australia / NZ / Pacific
- Region 12: Central, South America
docker run -d \
--name q3ra3 \
-p 27960:27960/udp \
-v "./pak0.pk3:/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3" \
-v "./server.cfg:/quake3/arena/server.cfg" \
-v "./arena.cfg:/quake3/arena/arena.cfg" \
version: "3"
image: ra3se/q3ra3-server
restart: always
- "27960:27960/udp"
- "${PWD}/pak0.pk3:/usr/share/games/quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3"
- "${PWD}/server.cfg:/usr/share/games/quake3/arena/server.cfg"
- "${PWD}/arena.cfg:/usr/share/games/quake3/arena/arena.cfg"