
Experimentation with Spark Window Functions

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SPARK Window

This project aims to improve Window Functions for Spark SQL. It is currently Work in Progress. This implementation requires functionality provided by SPARK 1.4.0.


The advantages over the current implementation are:

  • Native Spark-SQL, the current implementation relies only on Hive UDAFs. The new implementation uses Spark SQL Aggregates. Hive UDAF's are still supported though.
  • Much better performance (10x) in running cases (e.g. BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) and UNBOUDED FOLLOWING cases.
  • The ability to process all Frame Specifications within a single Window execution phase. This improves memory usage and processing by a bit.
  • A lot of the staging code has been moved from the execution phase to the 'initialization' phase.
  • Increased optimization opportunities. AggregateEvaluation style optimization is possible for in frame processing. Tungsten might also provide interesting optimization opportunities.


  • Have a build of SPARK 1.4.0 ready, and make sure the JARS are installed to your local maven repo.
  • Create an assembly using SBT.
sbt assembly
  • Launch spark shell with the produced JAR (target/scala-2.10/spark-window_2.10-0.01.jar) attached.
  • Execute the following code
import com.databricks.spark.csv._
import org.apache.spark.sql.WindowedData._
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.WindowTestHiveContext

// Create a Hive Context with the enabled feature. 
val sqlContext = new WindowTestHiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.useWindow2Processor", "true")

// Load a CSV file
val airlines = sqlContext.csvFile("src/test/resources/allyears2k_headers.csv")

// Perform a windowed aggregation on the flights:
// - Filter flight from SAN.
// - Group by destination and order by date and time. 
// - Count how many delays there were in the past 3 Flights
// - Add a unique sequence number for the current group.
val w = window().partitionBy($"Dest").orderBy($"Year", $"Month", $"DayOfMonth", $"Deptime")
val flightsSAN = airlines.filter($"Origin" === "SAN").select(
  ,when($"IsDepDelayed" === "YES",1).otherwise(0).as("Delay")
  ,coalesce(sum(when($"IsDepDelayed" === "YES",1).otherwise(0)).over(w).rowsPreceding(3).rowsFollowing(-1), lit(0)).as("Past3Delays")

Performance Comparison current Window implementation

One of the major improvements of this implementation is the performance gain in a number of cases. In order to do some proper comparison we need a bigger dataset. We are using the On Time Perfmance data for march 2015. You can download this dataset like this:

wget http://www.transtats.bts.gov/Download/On_Time_On_Time_Performance_2015_3.zip -P src/test/resources/
unzip src/test/resources/On_Time_On_Time_Performance_2015_3.zip -d src/test/resources/

Initialization code

Execute the following code in your spark session:

import com.databricks.spark.csv._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.WindowedData._
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.WindowTestHiveContext

// Create a Hive Context with the enabled feature. 
val sqlContext = new WindowTestHiveContext(sc)

// Load, Prune, Type & Cache the dataset
val otp = sqlContext.csvFile("src/test/resources/On_Time_On_Time_Performance_2015_3.csv").select(

Non-Pathlogical case

In this case we are comparing a sliding window, a total window and a row_number(). The performance is roughly equal.

// Define Query 1
def query1: DataFrame = {
  val window1 = window().partitionBy($"Origin").orderBy($"FlightDate", $"CRSDeptime")
  otp.select (

// Execute using new implementation (2 seconds)
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.useWindow2Processor", "true")
val flightsW1_new = query1.cache()

// Execute using current implementation (2 seconds)
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.useWindow2Processor", "false")
val flightsW1_current = query1.cache()

// Drop cached queries

Pathological case

In this case we have tested a running sum. The performance of the current implementation is a factor 20 worse.

def query2: DataFrame = {
  val window1 = window().partitionBy($"Origin").orderBy($"FlightDate", $"CRSDeptime")
  otp.select (

// Execute using new implementation (2 seconds)
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.useWindow2Processor", "true")
val flightsW2_new = query2.cache()

// Execute using current implementation (41 seconds)
sqlContext.setConf("spark.sql.useWindow2Processor", "false")
val flightsW2_current = query2.cache()

// Drop cached queries



  • [BLOCKING] Create PR
  • [BLOCKING] Documentation
  • [BLOCKING] Test execution phase.
  • [BLOCKING] Adapt code to match Spark style guide.
  • [BLOCKING] Drop own WindowDSL in favour of the one currently in development.
  • [FOLLOWUP PR] Performance might improve as soon as Exchange starts supporting secondary sort.


  • [BLOCKING] Remove the WindowFunction concept. This interface exposes quite a bit of implementation detail to catalyst.
  • [BLOCKING] Introduce Hive Pivot Window Function
  • [NICE TO HAVE] Introduce more window functions (can be made available using HiveUDAFS):
    • NTILE()
    • ... other pivotted Hive UDAFs
  • [NICE TO HAVE] Find out if Row_Number warrants its own expression, currently implement as Count(Literal(1)) over a running window.


  • [NICE TO HAVE] The current implementation is semi-blocking. It processes all the rows of the same group at a time. There are a number of scenario's (i.e. Row Numbers or Running Sums) in which we can do true or buffered (in case of positive shifts) streaming.
  • [FOLLOWUP PR] Add CodeGeneration where possible.


  • [FOLLOWUP PR] Prune columns
  • [FOLLOWUP PR] Push filters through which have been defined on the partitioning columns.


  • [BLOCKING] Allow the extract window expression to only create windows for different group by / order by clauses.
  • [NICE TO HAVE] Eliminate aggregates with a negative interval.
  • [NICE TO HAVE] Eliminate zero shifts (is the row itself).
  • [NICE TO HAVE] Eliminate entire WindowAggregate when nothing gets aggregated. Project instead.
  • [NICE TO HAVE] Prevent layered (windowed) aggregates.
  • [NICE TO HAVE] Revert singular range (low == high) or shifted simple aggregates (SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN) into the backing expression.
  • [NICE TO HAVE] Fail when a range window without an aggregating expression is encountered.


  • [BLOCKING] Add proper function resolution to the HiveQL parser.
  • [FOLLOWUP PR] Add window expressions to the regular parser.