This is a pretty simple bare bones Flask app with the source code for originprotocol.com. The code is all Python 2.7
and we use Postgres
for the database (basically just for the mailing list).
To get started (we recommend doing this in an virtualenv):
git clone https://github.com/OriginProtocol/company-website.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
We should also mention that the app expects a .env
file in your root directory that looks something like this:
DEV_EMAIL = "foo@bar.com"
DEBUG = True
HTTPS = False
FLASK_SECRET_KEY = putyoursupersecretkeyhere
DATABASE_URL = postgresql://localhost/origin
SENDGRID_API_KEY = putyoursupersecretkeyhere
TEMPLATE_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECTPATH, 'templates')
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(PROJECTPATH, 'static')
Hit us up in the eng-website
channel on Slack if you need help.