
An optimized key-value storage based on sqlite.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An optimized key-value storage and cache engine based on sqlite.

Cache options

The cache has a garbage collector that automatically deletes expired items. However, it is possible to intercept these items by the onDeletedByExpiration callback function.

Absolute Expiration

The object in the Cache will expire on a certain date, from the moment of insertion of the object in the Cache, regardless of its use or not. The value 0 disables this type of expiration.

Sliding Expiration

The object in Cache will expire after the configured time, from the last request of the object in Cache (get or set). The value 0 disables this type of expiration.

How to use

Key-value storage

import { LocalStorage, storage } from "https://deno.land/x/fast_storage/mod.ts";
await storage.set("some_key", { param1: "value1" });
//this is different from (key is not object path!):
await storage.set("some_key.param1", "value1");

const res = await storage.get("some_key");

const res = await storage.delete("some_key2");

//GET LIST (You can define namespaces, for example: "contacts.phone1", "contacts.phone2").
await storage.set("contacts.phone1", "574937586");
await storage.set("contacts.phone2", "214837483");
const contacts = await storage.getNameSpace("contacts."); //return "contacts.phone1" and "contacts.phone2"

await storage.deleteNameSpace("shop1.");

const users = await storage.getRange("1", "1000"); //returns all users where the key is between (including) 1 and 1000. The `start` and `end` parameters are optional, but at least one must exist.

await storage.deleteRange("shop1.");
//The `getNameSpace` and `getRange` methods have an optional last parameter `getKey=false`.

Enable Cache engine

  public async setCacheConfigs(
    slidingExpiration: number = 0,
    absoluteExpiration: number = 0,
    onDeletedByExpiration: ((data: any) => void | Promise<void>) | undefined = undefined,
//slidingExpiration: 5 min
//absoluteExpiration: 30 min
  5 * 60 * 1000,
  30 * 60 * 1000,
  (data: any) => console.log(data),

//(Creates a way to use key-value storage and cache mode at the same time)
await storage.set("some_key", { param1: "value1" }, false);

If the cache engine is not enabled or if slidingExpiration and absoluteExpiration are 0, expiration is disabled. if absoluteExpiration and slidingExpiration are greater than 0 (enabled), absoluteExpiration cannot be less than slidingExpiration.

Create database instances:

    path: string = "./fast_storage.sqlite",
    tableName: string = "LOCAL_STORAGE"
storage2 = new LocalStorage("./mydb2.sqlite", "LOCAL_STORAGE");

The variable storage is an instance of LocalStorage with: path="./fast_storage.sqlite", tableName = "LOCAL_STORAGE".


Author: Henrique Emanoel Viana, a Brazilian computer scientist, enthusiast of web technologies, cel: +55 (41) 99999-4664. URL: https://sites.google.com/view/henriqueviana

Improvements and suggestions are welcome!