
The Open English Wordnet with methods for using their relations, implemented in TypeScript.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The Open English Wordnet with methods for using their relations, implemented in TypeScript.

How to use

import lib and initialize (Deno)

//import { Wordnet } from "https://deno.land/x/wordnet_ts/mod.ts";
import { Wordnet } from "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hviana/wordnet_ts/main/mod.ts";
const wordnet = new Wordnet();
await wordnet.init(); //will download the database if it does not exist.
const w = wordnet.logic(); //get logic functions

This library depends on another logical processing library:

import { and, lvar, run } from "https://deno.land/x/logic_ts/mod.ts";


Synsets of a lemma "dark"

const y = lvar("y");
const synsets = run([y], w.lemmas(y, "dark"));

Lemmas of a synset 105976849

const lemmas = run([y], w.lemmas(105976849, y));

Synset pos of a synset 105976849

const pos = run([y], w.pos(105976849, y));

Synset definition of a synset 105976849

const definition = run([y], w.definition(105976849, y));

Synsets related to the synset 105976849

const links = run([y], w.links(105976849, lvar(), y));

Synsets related to the synsets of the lemma "dark"

const links = run([y], () => {
  const z = lvar();
  return and(
    () => w.lemmas(z, "dark"),
    () => w.links(z, lvar(), y), //Arrow notation is needed to delay execution and calculate variables

All Synsets lemmas that are antonyms of synsets that contain the "dark" lemma

const antonyms = run([y], () => {
  const z = lvar();
  const zy = lvar();
  return and(
    () => w.lemmas(z, "dark"),
    () => w.links(z, lvar(), zy, "antonym"),
    () => w.lemmas(zy, y),

All types of relationships

type LinkTypes =
  | "verb group"
  | "substance meronym"
  | "substance holonym"
  | "similar"
  | "pertainym"
  | "participle"
  | "part meronym"
  | "part holonym"
  | "member meronym"
  | "member holonym"
  | "member"
  | "is entailed by"
  | "is caused by"
  | "instance hyponym"
  | "instance hypernym"
  | "hyponym"
  | "hypernym"
  | "entail"
  | "domain usage"
  | "domain region"
  | "domain member usage"
  | "domain member region"
  | "domain member category"
  | "domain category"
  | "domain"
  | "derivation"
  | "cause"
  | "attribute"
  | "antonym"
  | "also";

About Wordnet relations

Words that are synonyms into synsets. All synsets are connected to other synsets by means of semantic relations:


  • hypernyms: Y is a hypernym of X if every X is a (kind of) Y (canine is a hypernym of dog)
  • hyponyms: Y is a hyponym of X if every Y is a (kind of) X (dog is a hyponym of canine)
  • coordinate terms: Y is a coordinate term of X if X and Y share a hypernym (wolf is a coordinate term of dog, and dog is a coordinate term of wolf)
  • meronym: Y is a meronym of X if Y is a part of X (window is a meronym of building)
  • holonym: Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y (building is a holonym of window)


  • hypernym: the verb Y is a hypernym of the verb X if the activity X is a (kind of) Y (to perceive is an hypernym of to listen)
  • troponym: the verb Y is a troponym of the verb X if the activity Y is doing X in some manner (to lisp is a troponym of to talk)
  • entailment: the verb Y is entailed by X if by doing X you must be doing Y (to sleep is entailed by to snore)
  • coordinate terms: those verbs sharing a common hypernym (to lisp and to yell)


Author: Henrique Emanoel Viana, a Brazilian computer scientist, enthusiast of web technologies, cel: +55 (41) 99999-4664. URL: https://sites.google.com/view/henriqueviana

Improvements and suggestions are welcome!