
Visual Studio IDE Logo in VTuber Logos Style


Visual Studio IDE Logo in VTuber Logos Style

Everything here shares the same principle as the main repo by Aikoyori, so don't use anything here comercially.


I am not the creator of this logo. The designer is Manhkbrady. I posted it on his behalf because he is not familiar with GitHub

Visual Studio IDE Logo

Origin: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/

New Style:

Replace Guide

Assume that your Visual Studio installation is under D:\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community. Paths below are relative to this directory.

  1. Navigate to Common7\IDE\2052, find MsEnvMui_Brand_708_0.dll and back up it (You may need administrator privilege to do this).

  2. Use tools like Resource Hacker to open MsEnvMui_Brand_708_0.dll.

  3. Replace the three images under PNG with the ones in this repo, you may need to adjust the resolution (pre-modified images are listed under the ModifiedForSplash folder).

    • 101: 680x420px
    • 111: 1360x840px
    • 116: 1020x630px
  4. Save the modified file (Again, you may need to use Save As function to save it and replace the original file, because of the administrator privilege requirement).

  5. Fire up Visual Studio and enjoy :).


Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0


You may:

  • Share, modify, redistribute under the same license
  • Credit Manhkbrady
  • Use the resources noncomercially

You may NOT:

  • Sell without permission