
SonarLint for Eclipse

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

SonarLint for Eclipse

Installing and using

See https://www.sonarlint.org and https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/sonarlint

For offline installation and older versions see the update site archive at https://binaries.sonarsource.com/SonarLint-for-Eclipse/releases/

Have Question or Feedback?

For SonarLint support questions ("How do I?", "I got this error, why?", ...), please first read the FAQ and then head to the SonarSource forum. There are chances that a question similar to yours has already been answered.

Be aware that this forum is a community, so the standard pleasantries ("Hi", "Thanks", ...) are expected. And if you don't get an answer to your thread, you should sit on your hands for at least three days before bumping it. Operators are not standing by. :-)


If you would like to see a new feature, please create a new thread in the forum "Suggest new features".

Please be aware that we are not actively looking for feature contributions. The truth is that it's extremely difficult for someone outside SonarSource to comply with our roadmap and expectations. Therefore, we typically only accept minor cosmetic changes and typo fixes.

With that in mind, if you would like to submit a code contribution, please create a pull request for this repository. Please explain your motives to contribute this change: what problem you are trying to fix, what improvement you are trying to make.

Make sure that you follow our code style and all tests are passing.

Development setup in Eclipse

  1. Run mvn compile on the command line to fetch artifacts referenced in the parent pom
  2. In Eclipse, import the project root as Maven project
  3. In Eclipse, import the its/ folder as Maven project
  4. Open target-platform-its-e47/target-platform-its-e47-dev.target
    • Click on Environment tab and add M2_REPO variable pointing to your local maven repo (for example /home/youruser/.m2/repository)
    • On the Definition tab, click Reload
    • Click Set as Target Platform (or Reload Target Platform) in the top-right corner

At this point you should be all set, unless Eclipse is not able to generate protobuf sources. Following the explanations here may help. As a workaround, you can run mvn compile on the command line to generate protobuf sources, and in Eclipse hit F5 on the project with build errors.

In some (older?) flavors of Eclipse, you may need to install m2eclipse and then Tycho extension to m2eclipse:

  1. Window -> Preferences -> Maven -> Discovery -> Open Catalog
  2. Install Tycho Configurator

Eclipse quirks

Strange issues in Eclipse and their remedies.

  • Sometimes, for no apparent reason, the generated protobuf classes may disappear, and Eclipse may report compilation errors when resolving these class names, symbols. The workaround is to run mvn compile and refresh the views in Eclipse (click on the project and press F5).


Open plugin.xml of org.sonarline.eclipse.core (for example), and see the Run and Debug buttons in the top-right corner.

Running plugin unit tests

In Eclipse:

  1. Create a run configuration by running a test class first with Run As... / JUnit Plug-in Test

  2. Edit the configuration

    • On the Test tab, uncheck Run in UI thread
    • On the Main tab, under Program to Run, select Run an application with value [No Application] - Headless Mode

With Maven:

mvn clean verify

Running ITs

To run ITs for the default target platform and SonarQube version you can use a helper script:

./scripts/run-its.sh --init  # start X server for windows opened by the tests

This assumes that the project was already mvn installed. You may want to run a specific test to avoid running everything:

./scripts/run-its.sh -Dtest=SimpleNameOfClass

Run with -h or --help to see other options.

The script uses Xephyr and assumes the metacity window manager is present. The purpose of this is to open windows in an isolated X server to avoid interference with your desktop.

If you get some error when opening the JS Editor, read: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36317684/eclipse-jsdt-internal-error-noclassdeffounderror-jdk-nashorn-internal-runtime

Adding a dependency

Must be osgi bundle.

For Maven

Add the artifact to the parent pom.

Run mvn compile to get the artifact downloaded so that you can inspect its manifest in the jar.

Find the name of the bundle from its manifest, see the Bundle-SymbolicName property.

Edit the manifest of the package where you want to add the dependency (for example: org.sonarlint.eclipse.core/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF), add the bundle in the Require-Bundle property, using its symbolic name.

If the bundle is not needed at runtime, don't forget to mark it optional, to avoid including in the package. (Edit properties on the Dependencies tab, or append ;resolution:=optional)

To verify the content of the package: mvn clean package and check content of the ZIP in plugins folder.

For Eclipse

Add to target-platform-its-e47/target-platform-its-e47-dev.target (or whatever target you use) the path of the artifact in your local maven repository as a filesystem path, similar to already existing dependencies.

In the target editor (or open plugin.xml), click Set as Target Platform. Note that this will trigger a compilation in Eclipse.

At this point, and if the artifact exists at the specified path, it should be usable, and Eclipse will be able to compile the project.


Copyright 2015-2020 SonarSource.

Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3.0