
PyTorch parameter server with MPI

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



It fits for our problem constraints:

  • models fit on one device
  • communication is reliable
  • only one PS required
  • have MPI available.

Additionally, this implementation of a PS

  • uses MPI, a declarative standard common in clusters.
  • can allow compression if concerned about bandwidth.


or, why use other PS systems? You may...

  • want multiple PSs.
  • have models that may not fit on one machine.
  • not want to use MPI.

Why not torch.distributed?

  • torch.distributed only sends tensors. We may want to send generic Python objects.
  • torch.distributed does not have any Igatherv, which is what we want for a PS.


  • MPI_Gather requires the recv count of any particular message.
    1. Send sizes before, allocate largest size (and then trim down per size)
    2. (when recieinv from any source)
  • Tensorflow does... (see tensorflow's docs for ConditionalAccumulator)
    1. make sure gradients are current
    2. waits until $n$ gradients have been received from any number of workers


Implement a parameter server with mpi4py

  1. Call encode
  2. Convert to pickle object
  3. (optional) compress
  4. Allocate largest size expected + some padding (to see if overflowed)
  5. Convert to NumPy buffer, use Igather
  6. Convert back to pickle object when needed
  7. Send dictionary to decode


  • An MPI enabled parameter server will not fit models that cannot fit on every machine.
  • Though we can safely (?) assume that data for every machine is costant


Async PS psuedo-code

  • This is algorithm AsySG-InCon (for inconsistent reads) in [1]
  • [1]:Asynchronous parallel stochastic gradient for nonconvex optimization, https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.08272
# optimizaiton step function
for p in params:
    if rank == 0:
        comms = []
        while True:
            comms += [recv(MPI.ANY_SOURCE)]
            if len(comms) == 32:
        params = [receive(comm) for comm in comms]
        p = sum(params)
        send(param, 0)
    req = ibcast(p.data)

It's easy to impelment inconsistent reads with ibcast. It's harder to do consistent reads; we need to do a buffered broadcast to allow workers to continue to compute gradients.


I tried playing with Iallgatherv. Some problems:

  • Does not support sending objects of unknown sizes. Every rank needs to know the size of every object it's receiving.
  • Sending the objects of these types involves sending a tuple as shown in the implementation and the tests