
Common git commands wrapped

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


These scripts can be used to run git commands over multiple repos. When you have cross repo branches and you want to check out branches simultaneous.


Either have a .reporc in the root folder of the gittools where git repo directories are listed (see the .reporc.example) or run commands with --repository=<file|relative/path/to/repodir>.


$ git clone git@github.com:hwdegroot/gittools.git

Add the following part to your .bashrc or .bash_profile

if [ -f <gittoolslocation>/.gittoolsrc ]; then
    export GITTOOLS="<gittoolslocation>"
    source $GITTOOLS/.gittoolsrc

Change the <gittoolslocation> with the location where you installed the tools.


Currently available for (a subset of)

  • gprune
  • gfetch
  • gclean-branches
  • gcheckout
  • gdiff
  • gpull
  • greset
  • gstatus
  • ginfo

To have autocompletion

$ [sudo] cp <gittools dir>/autocompletion/* /etc/bash_completion.d/


$ [sudo] ln -s <gittools dir>/autocompletion/* /etc/bash_completion.d/

And make sure autocompletion is enabled in ~/.bashrc. Look for the lines:

if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && ! shopt -oq posix; then
    . /etc/bash_completion


The tools will allow you to define a file with locations of checked out git repos. The tools will default look to <gittoolslocation>/.reporc

The tools will expose the following aliases:

  • gprune
  • gfetch
  • gclean-branches
  • gcheckout
  • gdiff
  • gpull
  • greset
  • gstatus
  • ginfo

type command --help to see for more help.

Environment variables

Set the following

$PRUNE_REMOTE=1: Always prune remote origin after a checkout. Same as gcheckout [...] --prune-remote

$PRE_FETCH=1: Always fetch before checking out. Same as gcheckout [...] --pre-fetch

$POST_PULL=1: Always pull after checking out. Same as gcheckout [...] --post-pull

$DEFAULT_BRANCH=branch_name: Checkout this branch if gcheckout is called without a branch (usually this will be master)


  • Fork repo
  • Ninja some code
  • Pull request
  • Wait
  • Profit

To add any commands you can start from the template/template.sh For autocompletion add

complete -o nospace -F _gdefault gmyawesomecommand

to autocompletion/gittools.autocompletion

or create a new function there if more than default autocompletion wanted

NOTE: if you are using .reporc files, make sure the repository directories are relative to the file, or just abs paths.