
解剖深度学习原理,从0实现深度学习库!Anatomy of the Deep Learning Principle,Implementing Deep Learning Libraries from 0

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Anatomy of the Deep Learning Principle,Implementing a Deep Learning Library from 0


"Anatomy of Deep Learning Principles, Implementing Deep Learning Library from 0" will be published by the Electronic Industry University Press at the end of August 2020. Different from general deep learning books and tutorials, it does not teach you to use tools (weapons) but to teach you to make tools (weapons). You are no longer an API caller, but an API developer. There are no complicated mathematical formulas, and no deep mathematics is required. For beginners, the principle and implementation are analyzed in detail!

电子版购买链接 (Electronic version purchase link):

eBook link (English Version): https://leanpub.com/dle/

eBook link (ChineseVersion): https://leanpub.com/dl_0

eBook link (Japanese): https://leanpub.com/dl_jp

eBook link (Traditional Chinese): https://leanpub.com/dl_tw




  • 《解剖深度学习原理-从0编写深度学习库》

深度学习的书要么只有理论没有实践,要么就是平台使用教程,市场上缺少理论和代码实现结合的深入剖析深度学习的全面教材, 本书从0代码实现深度学习框架、从底层剖析深度学习原理,看完这书,你会对许多似懂非懂的概念、原理豁然明白,发现深度学习如此简单。 你在其他地方看不到对于转置卷积等深入易懂的分析和代码实现。强烈推荐!目前市场上没有比我这本更好的深度学习原理教材!

电子版购买链接: http://leanpub.com/dl_0

纸质书, 纸质书由电子工业出版社出版(国内京东等平台购买)。

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