- Quick Note
- Use the following command to clone git repository to your local computer
git clone https://github.com/hwhang0917/photorganizer.git
- Heesang Mark Whang
- Subin Kim
- Akhigbe Unuigbe
This is an image organizing web based application. This is a group project for the course Software Engineering (CSCI450) instructed by professor Grace Lew.
We will use Yarn Package Manager for all dependency management.
Our project uses is written with JavaScript. Thus the project uses Node.JS, which is a tool helps run JavaScript outside of the browser and run within the system. Node JS has a server framework called ExpressJS that can be used to build quick servers.
Our project renders HTTP requests and show user interface through PugJS and SCSS / SASS as view engine.
Our project uses GulpJS to control build flow and pipeline to integrate Babel / Scss / Pug into browser compatible JavaScript, CSS , and HTML.
This process will start a development server in localhost
Install Dependencies
yarn install
Run Develop Assets
This process will watch client side assets (JS, SCSS, PUG, etc)
yarn run dev:assets
Run Develop Server
This process will watch server side code (express server, etc)
yarn run dev:server
The following are useful links and dependency documentations.
The backend Express server utilizes some middleware. These are the imported middleware for convenience.
Most of the NPM/YARN packages have their own documentations. You can view their documentations for more information. The following are extra resources that can be guide for this project.
- Scrum Back Log
- Wireframe
- Scrum Product Backlog
- Sprint #1 / Backlog Burndown #1
- Sprint #2 / Backlog Burndown #2
- Sprint #3 / Backlog Burndown #3
- Sprint #4 / Backlog Burndown #4
- Testing
- Deployment
- Final Presentation Prepare
- Project Setting (Dev Ops)
- SCSS / Babel Build flow
- Routing
- Server
- Page Rendering using Pug and SCSS
- Pug
- Pages
- Landing Page (Home)
- Login
- Reset Password
- Join
- Dashboard
- Image Detail
- Settings