
A single or multiple, searchable item picker (dropdown) component for react native which supports both Android & iOS.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React native dropdown picker v3

A single / multiple, searchable item picker (dropdown) component for react native which supports both Android & iOS.

Caution (incompatibility)

x < 3.0.0 Versions are incompatible with the current version.

It's required to follow the docs in order to upgrade the package to v3.x


Our package only requires react-native-vector-icons to be installed.


  • Added containerProps. [December 21, 2020]
  • Added labelProps. [January 06, 2021]
  • Some bug-fixes. [January 06, 2021]

Getting Started

Screenshot Screenshot


via NPM
npm install react-native-dropdown-picker --save
via Yarn
yarn add react-native-dropdown-picker

Basic Usage

The first step is to import the package.

import DropDownPicker from 'react-native-dropdown-picker';


Select a single item.

import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Feather';

this.state = {
    country: 'uk'

        {label: 'USA', value: 'usa', icon: () => <Icon name="flag" size={18} color="#900" />, hidden: true},
        {label: 'UK', value: 'uk', icon: () => <Icon name="flag" size={18} color="#900" />},
        {label: 'France', value: 'france', icon: () => <Icon name="flag" size={18} color="#900" />},
    containerStyle={{height: 40}}
    style={{backgroundColor: '#fafafa'}}
        justifyContent: 'flex-start'
    dropDownStyle={{backgroundColor: '#fafafa'}}
    onChangeItem={item => this.setState({
        country: item.value


Select multiple items.

import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons/Feather';

this.state = {
    countries: ['uk']

        {label: 'UK', value: 'uk', icon: () => <Icon name="flag" size={18} color="#900" />},
        {label: 'France', value: 'france', icon: () => <Icon name="flag" size={18} color="#900" />},

    multipleText="%d items have been selected."

    containerStyle={{height: 40}}
        justifyContent: 'flex-start'
    onChangeItem={item => this.setState({
        countries: item // an array of the selected items

Searchable items

Search for specific items.

searchablePlaceholder="Search for an item"
searchableError={() => <Text>Not Found</Text>}

Default item

You may want to select one of the items as default.

Use one of these ways:

  1. Add selected: true to the object. (This method is not state-friendly!)

        {label: 'Item 1', value: 'item1'},
        {label: 'Item 2', value: 'item2', selected: true, disabled: true},
  2. The defaultValue property.

    defaultValue = 'uk'; // Single
    defaultValue = ['uk']; // Multiple


You may want to have a placeholder while the default value is null or an empty array.

Add the following properties to the component.

this.state = {
    data: null, // Single
    data: [] // Multiple

placeholder="Select an item"


The controller property gives you full access to the DropDownPicker methods and properties.


Class Components
constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
        value: null,
        items: []


    controller={instance => this.controller = instance}
    onChangeList={(items, callback) => {
            items // items: items
        }, callback);

    onChangeItem={item => this.setState({
        value: item.value
Functional Components
const [value, setValue] = useState(null);
const [items, setItems] = useState([ {...}, ... ]);
let controller;

    controller={instance => controller = instance}
    onChangeList={(items, callback) => {
        new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve(setItems(items)))
            .then(() => callback())
            .catch(() => {});

    onChangeItem={item => setValue(item.value)}

in Class components you can call methods using this.controller.METHOD_NAME() and controller.METHOD_NAME() in Functional components.

  1. Reset the state.

    You may want to reset the state of your picker.

  2. Reset items.

    The second argument is your default value. (Optional)

    this.controller.resetItems([{}, {}, ...]);
    this.controller.resetItems([{}, {}, ...], 'uk'); // Single
    this.controller.resetItems([{}, {}, ...], ['uk', ...]); // Multiple
  3. Select an item manually.

    You may want to select an item manually.

    // Single
    // Multiple
    this.controller.selectItem(['uk', 'france']);
  4. Add items manually.

    There are two methods to help you add items manually.

      label: 'UK',
      value: 'uk',
      icon: () => {},
        label: 'UK',
        value: 'uk',
        icon: () => {},
  5. Remove items

    this.controller.removeItem('uk', {
      changeDefaultValue: true, // Unselect if the removed item is the selected item
  6. Check if the dropdown is open

    this.controller.isOpen(); // boolean
  7. Open, close or toggle.


Styling the component

You have 12 options to style the component.

  1. The style property.

    Use this to adjust the inner part of the picker.

    style={{paddingVertical: 10}}
  2. The dropDownStyle property.

    Additional styles for the dropdown box.

    dropDownStyle={{backgroundColor: '#fafafa'}}
  3. The containerStyle property.

    Use this to adjust the outer part of the picker such as margin, width, height, flex, ...

    containerStyle={{width: 150, height: 70}}
  4. The itemStyle property.

    If you want the labels on the left and right side or to centerize them:

    itemStyle={{justifyContent: 'flex-start|flex-end|center'}}
  5. The labelStyle property.

    This property gives full control over the label.

        fontSize: 14,
        textAlign: 'left',
        color: '#000'
  6. The selectedLabelStyle property.

    Changes the style of the selected item label.

        color: '#39739d'
  7. The placeholderStyle property.

    It is possible to style the placeholder text with this property.

        fontWeight: 'bold',
        textAlign: 'center'
  8. The activeItemStyle property.

    This property allows you to style the active item.

    activeItemStyle={{justifyContent: 'center'}}
  9. The activeLabelStyle property.

    This property allows you to style the active label.

    activeLabelStyle={{color: 'red'}}
  10. The arrowStyle property.

    Adds your additional styles to the View element of the arrow.

    arrowStyle={{marginRight: 10}}
  11. The searchableStyle property.

    Additional styles for the TextInput

    searchableStyle={{backgroundColor: '#dfdfdf'}}
  12. The searchablePlaceholderTextColor property.

    Assigns a new color to the placeholder text.


RTL Support

  1. The selected item

    RTL Support

        flexDirection: 'row-reverse',
        textAlign: 'right',
  2. The dropdown items

    RTL Support

        flexDirection: 'row-reverse',
        justifyContent: 'flex-start',


Multiple pickers and the open dropdown issue

Clicking on another picker doesn't close the other pickers? This can be fixed with the help of state.

this.state = {
    itemA: null,
    isVisibleA: false,

    itemB: null,
    isVisibleB: false

changeVisibility(state) {
        isVisibleA: false,
        isVisibleB: false,

// Picker A
        {label: 'UK', value: 'uk'},
        {label: 'France', value: 'france'},
    containerStyle={{height: 40}}

    onOpen={() => this.changeVisibility({
        isVisibleA: true
    onClose={() => this.setState({
        isVisibleA: false
    onChangeItem={item => this.setState({
        itemA: item.value

// Picker B
        {label: 'UK', value: 'uk'},
        {label: 'France', value: 'france'},
    containerStyle={{height: 40}}

    onOpen={() => this.changeVisibility({
        isVisibleB: true
    onClose={() => this.setState({
        isVisibleB: false
    onChangeItem={item => this.setState({
        itemB: item.value


The only thing you have to avoid is borderRadius. All the corners must be set separately.

    borderTopLeftRadius: 10, borderTopRightRadius: 10,
    borderBottomLeftRadius: 10, borderBottomRightRadius: 10
    borderBottomLeftRadius: 20, borderBottomRightRadius: 20

zIndex conflicts (Untouchable Items, Overlapping pickers)

  1. Using the containerStyle property to style the picker results in unexpected behaviors like untouchable items.

    The style and dropDownStyle properties must be used instead.
    Use the containerStyle prop to adjust the outer part of the picker such as margin, width, height, flex, ...

  2. Nested Views

    You have to add zIndex to the nested views which contain the picker.
    Note! zIndex locks the picker on Android, The solution is to use the Platform.OS

    import { Platform } from 'react-native';
            ...(Platform.OS !== 'android' && {
                zIndex: 10
        <DropDownPicker ... />

    Demo: https://snack.expo.io/@hossein-zare/823437

  3. DropDownPicker wrapped by <View style={{backgroundColor: ..., border[...]: ..., elevation: ...}}>
    These props will make your dropdown untouchable.
    Remove all the backgroundColor, border[...], elevation, ... style properties from the parent element.
    hossein-zare#40 (comment)

  4. Multiple Pickers

    <DropDownPicker zIndex={5000} />
    <DropDownPicker zIndex={4000} />
    <DropDownPicker zIndex={3000} />

Dropdown Overflow

Adding borders to the component will separate elements or they will overflow. to solve this issue you just need to add marginTop to the dropDownStyle and specify the value which fits your component well.

dropDownStyle={{marginTop: 2}}


Name Description Type Default Required
items The items for the component. array Yes
defaultValue The value of the default item. (If multiple={true}, it takes an array of pre-selected values: ['uk']) any No
placeholder Default text to be shown to the user when defaultValue={null} or defaultValue={[]} string 'Select an item' No
dropDownMaxHeight Height of the dropdown box. number 150 No
style Additional styles for the picker. object {} No
dropDownStyle Additional styles for the dropdown box. object {} No
containerStyle Additional styles for the container view. object {} No
itemStyle Additional styles for the items. object {} No
labelStyle Additional styles for the labels. object {} No
selectedLabelStyle Additional styles for the selected label. object {} No
placeholderStyle Additional styles for the placeholder text. object {} No
activeItemStyle Additional styles for the active item. object {} No
activeLabelStyle Additional styles for the active label. object {} No
arrowStyle Additional styles for the arrow. object {} No
arrowColor The color of arrow icons string #000 No
arrowSize The size of the arrow. number 15 No
showArrow An option to show/hide the arrow. bool true No
customArrowUp Customize the arrow-up. func (size, color) => ... No
customArrowDown Customize the arrow-down. func (size, color) => ... No
customTickIcon Customize the tick icon for multiple item picker. func () => ... No
zIndex This property specifies the stack order of the component. number 5000 No
disabled Disables the component. bool false No
isVisible Open or close the dropdown box. bool false No
autoScrollToDefaultValue If true, automatically scroll to defaultValue/first defaultValue (multiple) during first render of dropdown bool false No
multiple If set to true selecting multiple items is possible. bool false No
multipleText a Text to inform the user how many items have been selected. string %d items have been selected No
min Minimum number of items. number 0 No
max Maximum number of items. number 10000000 No
searchable Shows a TextInput to search for specific items. bool false No
searchablePlaceholder Default text to be shown to the user. string Search for an item No
searchablePlaceholderTextColor TextInput placeholder text color. string gray No
searchableStyle Additional styles for the TextInput object {} No
searchableError Shows a jsx element when nothing found. func () => <Text>Not Found</Text> No
selectedLabelLength Specify length for the selected label. number 1000 No
labelLength Specify length for the labels. number 1000 No
labelProps Add props to the labels. object {} No
scrollViewProps Add props to the ScrollView object {} No
searchTextInputProps Add props to the search TextInput object {} No
containerProps Add props to the container view. object {} No
controller Gives you access to the methods and properties. func (instance) => {} No
onOpen Fires when you open the picker. func () => {} No
onClose Fires when you close the picker. func () => {} No
onChangeItem Callback which returns item and index. The item is the selected object or an array of the selected values. func (item, index) => {} No
onChangeList Changes the list of items. (items, callback) => {} No