
Parse markdown into JsonML

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Parse markdown into JsonML

Want to see how this markdown document actually parsed and rendered (with React)? Click here


npm install mark-to-jsonml --save


  • Supports most common markdown specs and other extensions
    • extension includes: table, toc and heading numbers
  • Simple custom syntax parser
    • with automatic inline style parsing

Usage example

const { Parser, inspect } = require('mark-to-jsonml');

const markdown = `{toc}                          
# hello parser!                                  
* first                                          
* second **bold ~~and strike~~** plain           
 * nested                                        
  1. deeply *nested*                             
  1. and ordered                                 
## try _this!_                                   
console.log("hello parser!");                    
const parser = new Parser({ parseToc: true });   
const parsed = parser.parse(markdown);           


[ 'markdown',
  { tocParsed: true },
  [ 'toc',
    [ 'toc-item', { level: 1, number: '1.' }, 'hello parser!' ],
    [ 'toc-item',
      { level: 2, number: '1.1.' },
      'try ',
      [ 'u', 'this!' ] ] ],
  [ 'h', { number: '1.', level: 1 }, 'hello parser!' ],
  [ 'ul',
    [ 'li', 'first' ],
    [ 'li',
      'second ',
      [ 'b', 'bold ', [ 's', 'and strike' ] ],
      ' plain',
      [ 'ul',
        [ 'li',
          [ 'ol',
            [ 'li', 'deeply ', [ 'i', 'nested' ] ],
            [ 'li', 'and ordered' ] ] ] ] ] ],
  [ 'h', { number: '1.1.', level: 2 }, 'try ', [ 'u', 'this!' ] ],
  [ 'codeblock',
    { lang: 'javascript' },
    'console.log("hello parser!");\n' ] ]

Supported markdown specs (include extensions)

  • Table of content (toc)
  • Heading (h1/h2/h3/h4/h5)
  • Table (table)
  • Ordered list (ol, li) and Unordered list (ul, li)
    • with unlimited depth level
    • mixing Ordered and Unordered is also possible
  • Block quote (blockquote)
  • Code block (codeblock)
  • Paragraph (p)
  • Horizontal ruler (hr)
  • And Inlines
    • Inline code (code)
    • Link (a)
      • and auto link (if anything starting with http(s):// prefix)
    • bold (b)
    • strike (s)
    • italic (i)
    • underline (u)


Class: Parser

new Parser(options)

  • options {Object}
    • parseToc {Boolean}: Parse table of content pattern with tocPattern
    • tocPattern {String}: Specify table of content pattern in text
    • headingNumber {Boolean}: Parsed heading props include number (eg, 1, 2, 2.1)
    • includeRoot {Boolean}: Parsed result include root element markdown with some props


Parse markdown text into JsonML

  • returns {Object}: Parsed result

addBlockParser(blockParser, isTerminal=false)

Add custom block parse function

  • blockParser {Function}: A custom parser function (see below)
  • isTerminal: true if you don't want inline parsing inside (like codeblock)

Note: example of custom parser

// string {String}: remaining string to parse
// isTest {Boolean}: true if test mode (to check which parser should be run in current step)
function parseMyRuler(string, isTest) {             
  var HR = /^(-){3,}$/gm;                           
  var result = HR.exec(string);                     
  // you should return test result on test mode.
  if(isTest) return makeTestResult(HR, result, -1); 
  if(!result) return null;                          
  return ['my_hr'];                                 
const p = new Parser();
p.addBlockParser(parseMyRuler, true);                

addInlineParser(inlineParser, isTerminal=false)

Add custom inline parse function

See addBlockParser

function: makeTestResult(re, result, priority=0)

When you use custom parser, you should use this function to make test result and return if parser running with test mode. See example of custom parser.

  • re {RegExp}: RegExp object used inside your custom parser
  • result {Object}: Executed result of RegExp
  • priority {Integer}: Lower value means highest priority
    • priority used only when more than one parsers are competing


  • Basically, parsed JsonML elements' names follow corresponding HTML elements' names.