A simple Backbone.Marionette starter project.
- Recommends a simple production tested file/directory organization structure for Marionette applications (based initially on Brian Mann's recommended structure)
- Uses Marionette's default Module approach (no AMD, CommonJS, etc.)
- Configured to use Underscore JST based templates in separate files
- CSS pre-processing handled by Stylus
- Sample gulp config
- Bootstraps unit testing
/scripts (All application JavaScript files)
/common (Common/shared files)
/behaviors (Marionette beavhiors)
/controllers (Common base controllers)
/templates (Common JST templates)
/utility (Common utility objects/functions)
/validation (Common validation helpers)
/views (Common view definition files)
/helpers (Common view helpers)
/components (Main application components)
/common (views and templates shared within the component)
/edit (edit controllers/views/templates)
/list (list controllers/views/templates)
/new (new controllers/views/templates)
/show (show controllers/views/templates)
/config (Application config files)
/backbone (Backbone library overrides)
/marionette (Marionette library overrides, core additions, etc.)
/entities (Application models/collections)
/vendor (Vendor libraries)
/styles (Stylus (CSS) files)
/test (Unit tests and helpers)
- Add in test structure
- Add in sample Gulp config
- Configure Groc (docs)