
Quick custom mass mailer.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Quick custom mass mailer. Extracts a list of email addresses from a CSV, then sends the specified email content to each email address. Emails are sent using mailgun.


  1. Make sure you have a CSV file with a email column header, and a row for each email address you want to send the email to.


  • You can include up to 2 additional columns for content that can be dynamically injected into your email template. These columns should be called content1 and content2.
  • You can include 1 additional column for content that can be dynamically injected into your email subject line. This column should be called subject1.
  • You can optionally include a language column that contains ISO 639-1 based two-letter language codes. These will then be used to load language specific details from your config file.

Example CSV header:

  1. Create an HTML file to contain your email body. If you're supporting multiple languages, create an HTML file for each language. If you're supplying content1 / content2 columns in your CSV for dynamic replacement, you can use {CONTENT1} / {CONTENT2} placeholders in your HTML file. These values will be replaced at runtime.

  2. Create a JSON config file based on ./settings-sample.json. Make sure the CSV from #1 is configured via csv.path, and the HTML file(s) from #2 are configured via csv.email.htmlFile.

  3. Ensure the email subject and optional attachment are defined in the config file. If you're providing a subject1 column in your CSV, you can use {SUBJECT1} in your subject line, to have it replaced dynamically at runtime.

  4. Create a MAIL_CONFIG environment variable with the config file path.

  5. Run as MAIL_CONFIG=/your/config.json node dist/index.js

Export a list of recipient email addresses that had clicks

Run as MAIL_CONFIG=/your/config.json node dist/clicks.js