
Personal DevOps project for my portfolio website

Primary LanguageCSS

Personal DevOps Project


  • Purpose: To apply DevOps knowledge self-learnt by efficiently automating pipeline from development to deployment of my own personal portfolio website.

  • Summary: Project focuses on applying DevOps tools for automation of workflow. Current pipeline is: CI/CD pipeline, through Jenkins container integrated with Docker, to pull containers required, run and test web application, build docker images after tests are passed and push to personal docker hub registry. Developed and tested on Ubuntu 18.04, refer to instructions below to (pull and) run container from my repository and it should work on a similar Linux distribution.

  • Note: Front-end is not yet established and currently only contains sidebar for profile details as this project focuses on applying and building DevOps principles and pipeline automation.

  • DevOps stack:

    • Git (Version Control)
    • Docker (Containerization)
    • Jenkins (CI/CD)
  • Dev stack:

    • HTML, CSS, React (Static front-end)
    • NodeJS (Static HTTP server for now)
  • Improvements to make:

    • Terraform (Provisioning/Configuration) - To complete deployment and host app on remote server
    • ELK Stack / Nagios (Monitoring) - To be learnt and applied
    • Kubernetes (Container Orchestration) - To be learnt and applied
    • Other dev-related components which will improve functionality/performance of web-app (e.g. Nginx, databases if needed)

Current pipeline is adapted from Jenkins's Multibranch project tutorial. (Probably) does not reflect a mature and more complex industry-standard DevOps system with best practices, so feel free to correct/recommend better ways wherever possible :)

CI/CD (Multibranch) Pipeline Details

Instructions to start CI/CD multi-branch pipeline

Pre-requisites: Docker(Ubuntu) and Docker Compose

  1. For first time running Jenkins CI/CD pipeline,

    • Run launch_cicd.sh to create bridge network, volumes to share the Docker client TLS certificates needed to connect to the Docker daemon and persist the Jenkins data and run Docker(-in-Docker) and Jenkins containers.
    • Run chmod +x launch_cicd.sh before running ./launch_cicd.sh
    • Follow instructions for Setup Wizard section if accessing a new Jenkins instance.
  2. If you already have the Jenkins instance launched, to start and stop the containers, run: sudo docker container start jenkins-blueocean jenkins-docker sudo docker container stop jenkins-blueocean jenkins-docker

Current workflow for multi-branch CI/CD pipeline

  1. CI/CD pipeline currently has 3 branches with different stages:

    • Branch pipeline to run in order: development, production, master
    • development branch: To run and test development build
      • Build stage: Pull, run node container from docker registry and install node modules
      • Test stage: runs basic tests (for now) in src/App.test.js
      • Deliver for development: user acceptance test for development build
    • production branch: To run and test production build with static server
      • Build stage: Pull, run node container from docker registry and install node modules
      • Test stage: runs basic tests (for now) in src/App.test.js
      • Deliver for production: user acceptance test for production build
    • master branch: To deploy application on remote server
      • Build image stage: Build docker images from Dockerfile
      • Push Image stage: Push to personal docker hub registry
      • SSH into remote server, pull image and run web app container (not completed yet)
    • Current build can be found in my docker hub repository.
  2. After completing master branch pipeline (with built image pushed to docker hub registry), to run container from image: sudo docker run -d --rm -p <port-on-host>:5000 --name <name-of-container> hwlee96/my-website

  3. Access (static) web app at: http://localhost:<port-on-host>/

  4. To stop (and remove because of --rm argument), run sudo docker container stop <name-of-container>

  5. To remove image, run sudo docker rmi hwlee96/my-website:latest

Some good security practices

  • Store sensitive information (e.g. docker registry password, SSH key) in the credentials settings in Jenkins UI Platform. Reference to respective credentials through ID field.
    • In this project thus far, my credentials for my docker hub registry are referenced through the registryCredential environment variable set in Jenkinsfile.