

  • twitter_bookmark_scrape.ipynb: Notebook containing execution code. Comments should help navigate
  • backend code


  1. Download both files and put into a folder which you can access with Jupyter

  2. Install any uninstalled dependencies:

    • selenium
    • numpy
    • pandas
  3. Setup selenium executable

    • download the appropriate webdriver executable (for your Chrome version and OS) from here:

    • Once downloaded and unzipped, put this executable into the same folder as this webscraper code and then add the full filepath to this executable to the driver_path variable in the notebook.

  4. To run, open the Jupyter notebook and follow the instructions. Output should be a dataframe containing your bookmarked tweets and threads (this will take a little while as the scraper navigates through the tweets/threads). Note that currently only posts by the original author are included.