
An open-source decoder of AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 video coding standard

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


davs2 is an open-source decoder of AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 video coding standard.

An encoder, xavs2, can be found at Github or Gitee (mirror in China).

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Compile it


Use VS2013 or latest version of visual studio open the ./build/vs2013/davs2.sln solution and set the davs2 as the start project.


  1. A shell executor, i.e. the bash in git for windows, is needed and should be found in PATH variable. For example, the path C:\Program Files\Git\bin can be added if git-for-windows is installed.
  2. vsyasm is needed and 1.2.0 is suggested for windows platform. It can be downloaded through: http://yasm.tortall.net/Download.html . A later version 1.3.0 (unofficial revision, please read the instructions of yasm to build it for your work), can be found in https://github.com/luofalei/yasm/tree/vs2013 . The installation of vsyasm is as follows (if you were using VS2013):
(1) Copy `vsyasm.exe` to the following directory, 
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin\"
(2)	Copy the other 3 files in `vsyasm` to the `MSBuild template` directorty, as follows, 
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\BuildCustomizations\"
(3) Re-open the solution. 


$ cd build/linux
$ ./configure
$ make

Try it

./davs2 -i test.avs -o test_dec.yuv [-r test_rec.yuv] [-t N]

Parameter Instructions

Parameter Alias Result
--input=test.avs -i test.avs Setting the input bitstream file
--output=dec.yuv -o dec.yuv Setting the output YUV file
--psnr=rec.yuv -r rec.yuv Setting the reference reconstruction YUV file
--threads=N -t N Setting the threads for decoding (default: 1)
--md5=M -m M Reference MD5, used to check whether the output YUV is right
--verbose -v Enable decoding status every frame (Default: Enabled)
--help -h Showing this instruction



AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 Encoder: xavs2 (Github), xavs2 (mirror in China)

AVS2-P2/IEEE1857.4 Decoder: davs2 (Github), davs2 (mirror in China)