Note: This branch was used for my DSP project. The master branch N64 project.
Note: This branch was used for my N64 project. The branch V2 for DSP project.
Sound Bank Compiler (aslo known as msbank) is a command line tool which build sound bank for sound synthesizer. It uses on input a bank description file and the collection of .wav files. This compiler was used by me for different projects include the game for N64.
msbank my_sound_bank_description_file.txt
The example of sound bank given in the 'sb-example' folder.
SBC gets on input a text file. Each line of the text could have 2 parameters when the the line is not empty or commented out. First word is a parameter name the second is value. One file could include others.
#include C:\DIR\name.txt
Includes file name.txt inside this file. To terminates any object use 'end'
All comments starts with character '
'My Comment
``` 'The first file #include bank2.txt end ``` ``` 'The second file myvariable foo 'myvariable equals foo end ```New object creation starts with object type followed by objects name. The objects declaration is required before using
wave the waveform
keymap keyboard map
envelope envelope form
sound the sound
instrument the instrument
bank the sound bank
Has only one variable 'use' and the sample's file name as value.
wave yahhoo
use "c:\smpls\yaho.wav"
velocityMin = UC(1);
velocityMax = UC(127);
keyMin = UC(1);
keyMax = UC(127);
keyBase = UC(60);
detune = SC(0);
User defined values:
velocityMin Minimum press force
velocityMax Maximum press force
keyMin Lower key number
keyMax Higher key number
keyBase Base tone frequency
detune Tuning
keymap key1
velocityMin 10
velocityMax 100
keyMin 0
keyMax 100
keyBase 12
detune 0
Default variables:
attackTime = S32(0);
attackVolume = UC(AL_VOL_FULL);
decayTime = S32(0);
decayVolume = UC(AL_VOL_FULL);
releaseTime = S32(0);
User defined variables:
envelope env1
attacktime 1000
attackvolume 100
decaytime 1000
decayvolume 50
releasetime 2000
Default variables:
samplePan = SC(AL_PAN_CENTER);
sampleVolume = UC(AL_VOL_FULL);
flags = UC(0);
User defined variables:
envelope Name of envelope
keymap Name of keyboard's map
use The waveform
samplePan Sample's panorama
sampleVolume Sample's volume
flags Flags
sound hi
envelope env1
keymap kbd1
use yahhoo
samplePan 100
sampleVolume 100
flags 0
Default variables:
volume =UC(AL_VOL_FULL); /* overall volume for this instrument */
pan =SC(AL_PAN_CENTER); /* 0 = hard left, 127 = hard right */
priority =SC(5); /* voice priority for this instrument */
flags =0;
tremType =0; /* the type of tremelo osc. to use */
tremRate =0; /* the rate of the tremelo osc. */
tremDepth =0; /* the depth of the tremelo osc */
tremDelay =0; /* the delay for the tremelo osc */
vibType =0; /* the type of tremelo osc. to use */
vibRate =0; /* the rate of the tremelo osc. */
vibDepth =0; /* the depth of the tremelo osc */
vibDelay =0; /* the delay for the tremelo osc */
bendRange =S16(200); /* pitch bend range in cents */
soundCount =0; /* number of sounds in this array */
User defined values
volume The volume
pan The panorama
priority The priority value
flags Flags
tremType Tremolo type
tremRate Tremolo speed
tremDepth Tremolo depth
tremDelay Tremolo length
vibType Vibrato type
vibRate Vibrato frequency
vibDepth Vibrato depth
vibDelay Vibrato duration
bendRange Pitch percents
sound Sound of this instrument
instrument flute
volume 100
pan 120
priority 5
flags 0
tremType 1
tremRate 100
tremDepth 10
tremDelay 0
vibType 1
vibRate 100
vibDepth 10
vibDelay 12
bendRange 200
sound lo
sound hi
Default variables:
instCount = 0; /* number of programs in this bank */
flags = 0;
pad = 0;
sampleRate = S32(44100); /* e.g. 44100, 22050, etc... */
User defined variables:
flags Flags word
samplerate Sampling frequency
percussion Percussion instrument
instrument Instrument
bank strings2
flags 5
samplerate 32000
percussion baraban1
instrument string1
instrument string2
instrument chorus