
My personal debug draw library

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

XiDebugDraw Debugging drawing tool for Unity 3D

⚙ Build and Release openupm MIT semantic-release: angular

XiDebugDraw Title Image

Collection of primitives for rendering debug info created by hww


The package is available on the openupm registry. You can install it via openupm-cli.

openupm add com.hww.xidebugdraw

You can also install via git url by adding this entry in your manifest.json

"com.hww.xidebugdraw": "https://github.com/hww/XiDebugDraw.git#upm"

Used Sources


  • Add the gizmos API
  • To eliminate dependency on Unity3d Runtime Debug Draw
  • Add the line thicknes
  • Add the spline renderer
  • Performance optimization

Known Issues

Because it sues Graphics.DrawMesh method for rendering everything except a texts, the pause in the editor eliminates debuging info. To avoid the issue I use the pause shorcuts in the game.


public static void     AddLine (Vector3 fromPosition, Vector3 toPosition,  Color color,  float lineWidth = 1.0f, 
                                float duration = 0,bool depthEnabled = true);
public static void AddTriangle (Vector3 vertex0, Vector3 vertex1, Vector3 vertex2, Color color, float lineWidth,
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);

public static void    AddCross (Vector3 position, Color color, float size,
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);
public static void      AddRay (Vector3 position, Vector3 direction, float size, Color color, 
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);

public static void     AddAxes (Transform transform, Color color, float size,
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);
public static void   AddCircle (Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, float radius, Color color,
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);
public static void    AddPlane (Vector3 position, Vector3 normal, float size, Color color,
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);

public static void   AddSphere (Vector3 position, float radius, Color color,
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);
public static void      AddBox (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Vector3 size, Color color,
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);
public static void     AddCube (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float size, Color color, 
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);

public static void     AddCone (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float radius, float height, Color color,
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);
public static void AddCylinder (Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float radius, float height, Color color, 
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);

public static void  AddCapsule (Vector3 position, Quaternion roation, float radius, float height, Color color, 
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);

public static void     AddAABB (Vector3 minCoords, Vector3 maxCoord, Color color, float lineWidth, 
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);

public static void     AddAOBB (Transform centerTransform, Vector3 scaleXYZ, Color color, float lineWidth, 
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);

public static void   AddString (Vector3 position, string text, Color color, float size = 0.1f, 
                                float duration = 0, bool depthEnabled = true);