
Image Processing techiniques for car license plate detection and localization

Primary LanguageC++


This project is mainly implemented with C, Opencv 2.4.9 and MFC.

The program could be divided into twp parts:

  1. License plate localization
  2. Segment numbers and letters out and recognize them

1. License plate localization

The original image: alt text

(1) Use sobel calculator to get the X-direction derivative.

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(2) Use dilate and erode to remove noise pieces and connect the neighboring regions.

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(3) Find the contours based on (2) and get the bounding box. Select the most possible region as the license plate region.

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2. Segment numbers and letters out and recognize them

(4) Segment ROI of the licnese plate and apply thresholding.

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(5) Find contours of each letters and numbers and then segment them out as individuals. alt text

(6) Apply template matching/feature matching to recognize each number and letter. Maybe in the future will add Convolution Network for classification.

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