Hyperconnect ICON Communities


ICON Community Improvement Proposals (ICIPs) describe community initiatives toward the ICON project, including education, marketing, public relations, local representation, community outreach and other business development opportunities.


Review ICIP-1 for ICIP's general purpose and guidelines for creating a proposal. You can always begin from this ICIP template.

Novice Users

If you're unfamiliar with github, feel free to write your proposal in any form and submit directly to 2infiniti@gmail.com

Through Github

  1. Fork the repository by clicking "Fork" on the top right of this page.
  2. Add your ICIP to your forked repository.
  3. Submit a Pull Request to hx57's ICIPs repository.

Steps to Evaluate

  1. Visit our public channel ICON Community Alliance HX57, introduce your proposal.
  2. Seek for the resources required. Eg. I need a Chinese translator for an ICON article I wrote.

If you believe the proposal has popular consensus among the community and you have the necessary resources in place to implement, you can change the status to accepted and make a pull request (alternatively email to 2infiniti@gmail.com)

ICIP Status

  • Draft - an ICIP that is open for consideration.
  • Accepted - an ICIP that is planned for immediate implementation
  • Final - an ICIP that has been implemented
  • Deferred - an ICIP that is not being considered for immediate implementation but may be reconsidered in the future.


  • Community - only community resources required
  • Hybrid - will require some of team's help to some extent
  • Team - proposed for team's evaluation


If your ICIP requires images, the image files should be included in a subdirectory of the assets folder for that ICIP as follows: assets/ICIP-X (for ICIP X). When linking to an image in the ICIP, use relative links such as ../assets/ICIP-X/image.png.


Number Title Author Type Category Status
1 ICIP Purpose and Guidelines 2infiniti Community Meta Draft
2 ICON Articles Translation 2infiniti Community Translation Accepted
3 Panel x hx57 ICON Research Week 2infiniti Community Content Creation Accepted
4 HX57 Medium Style Guide Brian Li Community Content Creation Accepted
5 ICONist of the Month 2infiniti Team Incentive Program Accepted