
This is a go-to app for finding and reviewing campus food options at York University. It can tailor your search with filters such as price, cultural cuisine, and dietary preferences.

Primary LanguageJava


Project for Software Development Project class (EECS2311) at York University.


HungryLions is an application that lets users find food places across campus by using specific filters to find the perfect place to eat. These filters include prices, cuisine cultures, dietary restrictions, location, etc. Users can also leave reviews and ratings as well as complete challenges.


Our software is awesome!!!!!!!!!!

How To Run

  1. Download the repository's ZIP file by clicking < > Code -> Download ZIP in the repository page.

  2. Import the ZIP file into Eclipse by doing the following in Eclipse: File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace and select Select archive file and click Browse to import the recently downloaded ZIP file.

  3. Ensure that Eclipse's JDK Compilance is configured to JDK 17.

  4. To run the program go to Iteration 3 -> src -> main -> java and open mainLogin.java.

  5. Run the file (if it says "There errors in the workspace", run anyway).

Technologies Used

Java SQLite Python

JUnit, BeautifulSoup, Maven, JDBC.

Software Development Cycle

We are using the agile software development practice to best minimize risk and maximize profit.

Iteration 1

Basic implementation of our software using a stub database.

Iteration 2

Reduce code smells and fixes and outstanding bugs (issues) as outlined on this github repo.

Iteration 3

Continues to fix any outstanding bugs and add a total of 18 user stories (3 per person, 6 people in total).