
Alterful is a keyboard enhancement tool.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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Alterful 是一款免费、开源的键盘增效工具,通过全局指令热键 Alt + A 进行键入式功能调用。得益于 Alterful 自身的指令可嵌套特性,这一无主界面的微型效率工具的功能强大而丰富,只需记忆一个快捷键,即可实现任意程序/文件/文件夹快速启动、文件定位等舒爽的快捷操作,不仅大幅提高PC使用者的日常工作效率,同时简洁、高效、充满极客感。

Alterful is a free and open-source keyboard enhancement tool, which can be called by global command hotkey Alt + A. Thanks to the embeddability of alterful's own instruction system, this micro efficiency tool without main interface has powerful and rich functions. It can realize the quick start of any program / file / folder and the comfortable and quick operation of file location by just memorizing one shortcut key. It not only greatly improves the daily work efficiency of PC users, but also is concise, efficient and full of geek.

快速上手 Quick Start

指令启动 功能快速上手 Alterful:

Get started quickly with the command start function:

  1. 前往 Release 页面或 Alterful 官网 下载最新版本;

    Go to the Release page or Alterful website to download the latest version;

  2. 将文件解压到磁盘,运行主程序 Alterful.exe;

    Extract the file to disk and run the main program Alterful.exe;

  3. 使用热键 Alt + A 呼出/隐藏指令输入框;

    Use hotkey Alt + A to call out / hide instruction input box;

  4. 在指令输入框内按照格式键入指令 @add startup path 并回车。或者直接对任意文件/文件夹右键,选择 添加为 Alterful 启动项 ,将自动跳出指令框并补全指令,直接修改默认启动名即可;

    Type the command @add startup path in the command input box according to the format and press enter. Or right click any file / folder and select add as Alterful startup item to automatically jump out of the instruction box and complete the instruction, and directly modify the default startup name;

    其中 startup 为自定义启动名,path 为启动项路径,示例: @add chrome C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\ Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

  5. 在指令框中键入启动名(如已添加的 chrome),在启动名自动补全后回车即可启动文件。

    Type the startup name (such as chrome added) in the command box, and press enter after the startup name is automatically completed to startup the file.

更多功能见 帮助文档

See help documentation for more functions.

调试说明 Debugging Instructions

为了成功启动调试,请确保以管理员身份运行 Visual Studio 并打开项目。

In order to start debugging successfully, make sure you run visual studio as an administrator and open the project.

共同交流 Common communication

Alterful 的一大特点即较高程度的不可视化与非傻瓜式的操作,这在一定程度上增加了用户的入门时间和上手成本,却也因此使得 Alterful 的学习过程与使用过程变得更加有趣和迷人。用户在花费少量时间熟悉了 Alterful 的使用后,即可感受到键盘增强带来的快感,这将前所未有地提高PC端的工作效率。

One of the major characteristics of Alterful is the high degree of non visualization, which to a certain extent increases the user's entry time and start-up cost, but also makes the learning process and use process of Alterful more interesting and fascinating. After users spend a little time familiar with the use of Alterful, they can feel the pleasure brought by keyboard enhancement, which will improve the working efficiency of the PC side unprecedented.

如果你在 Alterful 的使用过程中遇到了任何问题或困难,亦或是有精彩的改进想法,我们都诚挚地欢迎你加入我们的 QQ交流群,与我们共同分享、讨论。

If you encounter any problems or difficulties in the use of Alterful, or have brilliant ideas for improvement, we sincerely welcome you to join our QQ group to share and discuss with us.