Reads Admin Unit data from a HXL triple store and pushes them to transactional Web Feature Service.

Primary LanguageJava


A Java program that takes HXL (Humanitarian eXchange Language) admin units from the HXL triple store (http://hxl.humanitarianresponse.info/sparql) and uploads them to an OGC Web Feature Server.

This can then be fired at a WFS (OGC WFS-T) compliant server. Currently tested against a ArcGIS Server instance.


Run HXL2WFSPusher with two arguments:

  • The HXL data container that contains the admin units to be converted.

  • The address of the transactional WFS to write to.

Currently, the feature properties are tied to a sample WFS setup, which has a certain set of properties set up. These do not make a lot of sense for HXL data, so this is something that needs to be changed once the we have agreed on the properties to have on the WFS end.