
PHP-based version of the HXLator

Primary LanguagePHP


Browser-based tool to interactively convert spreadsheets into the Humanitarian eXchange Language (HXL) (see hxl.humanitarianresponse.info). The HXL project is an initiative by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

This project picks up the idea of the original HXLator developed during the International SpaceApp Challenge 2012 in Lausanne.

Based on PHP, using Bootstrap (Apache License 2.0), EasyRdf (BSD-3-Clause license) and PHPExcel (GNU LGPL license).


A working demo of the current state of the HXLator is available at hxl.humanitarianresponse.info/hxlator.


A server running PHP 5.2.1 or higher should be sufficient to run this project. Make sure PHP can write to the uploads folder.