Simple bot that allows to upvote and downvote photos, videos and overall text messages, e.g. memes.
It also downloads videos from TikTok, VK, Reddit & Instagram automatically. In order to download from Reddit 18+ or Insta consistently, add cookies extracted using this plugin to db/cookies.txt.
Just add @mediarater_bot to your group and give it admin permissions.
Bot is hosted in Netherlands so for example for TikTok download it will only work for whatever is available in this region.
Get from Docker Hub or build from sources. You have to specify TELEGRAM_MEDIA_RATER_BOT_API env variable.
On top of TELEGRAM_MEDIA_RATER_BOT_API variable, you need to have yt-dlp installed and have the binary in PATH. There should be also gallery-dl, ffmpeg & python installed. Please, refer to Dockerfile and see what gets apt installed.
Is not tested, but should work perfectly fine.