
Final Project | Parallel and Distributed Systems: Paradigms and Models | Year (2022)

Primary LanguageMakefile


This is a parallel implementation of the Jacobi algorithm.

Jacobi method

The Jacobi method or Jacobi iterative method is an algorithm for determining the solutions of a [diagonally dominant] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagonally_dominant_matrix "Diagonally dominant matrix") [system of linear equations] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_of_linear_equations "System of linear equations"). Each diagonal element is solved for, and an approximate value is plugged in.


In the source code is possible to find different implementation using different parallel framework. The framework supported are:

  1. Low level thread implementation
  2. FastFlow


  ┣ 📜execute.sh
  ┣ 📜gustaffson.sh
       ┗ ...
     ┣📜Report SPM 
    ┗ ...
     ┣📜 Test Results with average # Excel file in which are saved the plots and all 

      ┗ ...
      ┗ ...


Compiling and running

To compile the program, simply go into src directory where you will find all src files

open ```bash terminal and type make clean hit enter and then make all hit enter

Three executable will be created in the build folder, respectively for the sequential, parallel thread and parallel fastflow version.

To run the builds, go to src -- > build folder there you will file all exxcutables

open ```bash terminal from here 
./build/executable n_dim Max_iterations nWorkers check[0/1]


  • n_dim: Shape of the square matrix and of the vectors.
  • Max_iterations: Number of cycle to iterate the Jacobi method.
  • nWorkers: stands for the maximum parallelism degree to be used. Do not specify this if you are running the sequential version.
  • check: Boolean for testing puposes: [0] => false, the system will not be shown; [1] => true, the system will be printed.