
CSS tutorial

Primary LanguageHTML

CSS Tutorial

  • What CSS is
  • CSS syntax
  • Element, class and ID selectors
  • Formatting text
  • The box model
  • Put it all together

1. What the heck is CSS?

CSS is Presentation
  • CSS controls presentation of HTML
  • Constantly changing standards
  • Varying Support Across browsers

2. Default Browser Styles

Browsers Have Style!
  • All browsers apply basic styling to HTML:
    • Margin, Padding, Font size, Underlining links etc
  • Browsers apply their own default styles

3. CSS Syntax

CSS is a colleciton of Rules
  • Each rule targets a specific tag or element on a HTML document
    • Rule which targets all 'p' tags on a page
    • Rule which targets all tags with an #id
    • Rule which targets all 'a' tags in the #nav
Rules Come in 2 Parts

All CSS rules are made of two components:

SELECTOR DECLARATION #page-header {font-size: 10px;}


Selectors can target tag names, ID's, classes and many other things

#header p {declaration}
.comment div  {declaration}
li  {declaration}

Declarations contain properties and values

#selector {font-size: 10px;}
#selector {
    font-size: 10px;
    color: red;

4. Embedded & Inline Styling

3 Ways to Add CSS
  • Inline styling - YUK
  • Embedded style sheets - YUK
  • External style sheets - Cowabunga
4.1 Inline styling
  • Time consuming to style multiple elements
  • Tricky to manage and update
  • Messy
  • Goof for very specialised rules
4.2 Embedded Styling
  • Time consuming to apply global styles
  • Hard to maintain and update
  • Good for making specific page styles
4.3 External Style Sheets
Time consuming
  • Inline styling
  • Embedded style sheets
Quick and Easier
  • External style sheets


/* Comments */

6. Targeting Elements

h1 {
    font-size: 32px;

div {
    width: 100%;
    background-color: grey;

7. Targeting Classes & IDs

Both are a way to describe your content

  • Classes can be used multiple times on a page
  • IDs can be used only once per page - they are unique!

8. Selector Specificity

Conflicts & Cascade
p { color: black;} 
p { color: red;}  - This rule wins
#main-content p { color: black;} - This rule wins
p { color: red;}
How Specific?

ID's 100 point Classes 10 point Elements 1 point