- By using a Mirror Driver technique for making a kernel level screen capture.
- Visual Studio 2015 with update 3
- Windowr Driver Kit 7 or above
- MFC library
- Windows 2000 to Windows 7 for x64 (also compatible with x86)
- ScreenCap is a MFC DLL and packed with a miniport driver(mirror driver) and related file into a resource,
ScreenCap provided a exported function that can be able to make a kernel-level Screen Capture on Windows 2000
to Windows 7 for x86/x64 platform, and which is using a mini-port driver technique, by attached to videoprt.sys. And the driver will map the memory which is pointer to self-created surface it will be updated by intercepting GDI rendering.
- Build a Mini-port driver and user-mode driver by WDK, then we will get a Mirror.dll / Mirror.sys
- Put them into bin-x64
- Compile a ScreenCap.dll , it will pack the files into resources.
- Compile a Tester.exe , test a screen capture functions.
- Tester.exe by pressing default command '2', then the driver will be loaded by default INF file
and finally a demo program will make a screenshot which will be saved in C:\CopyScreen2.bmp file.
- This project is just for experiment, and I suggest it run in Virtualization Environment. Since the INF file default the Driver will be loaded during boot time.