
Primary LanguageShellThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Installs base-arch system after chrooting into the /mnt folder. (arch_install.sh)
Installs bspwm with required pkgs eg: sxhkd, rofi, etc. (bspwm.sh)
Copyies config files from linux_dotfiles locally. (magic.sh)


First you need to provide executable access to every script. You can do that by going inside the repo and running this command

chmod +x *.sh

Now you can just run the respective script by an example command like this.



  1. You must have an active internet connection.
  2. Currently it is very specific (working on it....), but if you have some knowledge about arch-installation you can modify as you like.
  3. The magic.sh script makes the clone of linux_dotfiles repo inside a new folder named github in your home directory.