
html to pdf based on puppeteer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Base on puppeteer. Transform html to pdf. Not only online href, but local html file is supported


Install with npm

npm install --save html2pdf-simple


  1. 文件引入
var htmlToPdf = require('html2pdf-simple')

// transform by local file
htmlToPdf({ filePath: '/Users/../Downloads/test.html', outputPath: '/Users/../Downloads/test.pdf' })

// transform by romote href
htmlToPdf({ remoteUrl: 'https://www.baidu.com/', outputPath: '/Users/../Downloads/baidu.pdf' })
  1. 命令行工具
htmlToPdf --remoteUrl 'https://www.baidu.com/' --outputPath '/Users/../Downloads/baidu.pdf'


  • { String } filePath 本地 html file path required when remoteUrl is empty
  • { String } remoteUrl 线上要转换的 html 链接 required when filePath is empty
  • { String } outputPath 输出目录 required
  • { Object } pdfOpts 转换为 pdf 的 options optional