function Test-Proxy {
param (
$url = "http://google.com"
$proxyUri = "http://$proxy"
try {
$request = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]::Create($url)
$request.Proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy($proxyUri, $true)
$request.Timeout = 5000
$response = $request.GetResponse()
return $true
} catch {
return $false
- Purpose: This function tests if a given proxy server can successfully make a request to
. - Parameters:
: A string representing the proxy server in the formataddress:port
- Details:
is used to create an HTTP request.New-Object System.Net.WebProxy($proxyUri, $true)
sets the proxy for the request.Timeout
is set to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).GetResponse()
attempts to get a response from the URL.- If successful, the function returns
; otherwise, it returns$false
if an error occurs.
function Check-ProxiesFromFile {
param (
if (-Not (Test-Path $filePath)) {
Write-Host "File not found!" -ForegroundColor Red
$proxies = Get-Content $filePath
foreach ($proxy in $proxies) {
if (Test-Proxy -proxy $proxy) {
Write-Host "$proxy > Google: yes | Chk by Spishere" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "$proxy > Google: no | Chk by Spishere" -ForegroundColor Red
- Purpose: This function reads a list of proxy servers from a file and checks each one to see if it can connect to Google.
- Parameters:
: The path to the file containing the list of proxies.
- Details:
checks if the file exists.Get-Content
reads the content of the file (assumed to be a list of proxy addresses).- For each proxy in the file,
is called to check its connectivity. Write-Host
outputs the result of each proxy check, with color-coded messages indicating success or failure.
function Show-AsciiArt {
$asciiArt = @"
Write-Host $asciiArt -ForegroundColor Cyan
- Purpose: This function displays ASCII art in the PowerShell console.
- Details:
contains a block of text representing the ASCII art.Write-Host
outputs the ASCII art with cyan color.
Write-Host "example 102.xxx:80" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$filePath = Read-Host "Input filename"
Check-ProxiesFromFile -filePath $filePath
- Show-AsciiArt: Calls the function to display the ASCII art.
- Write-Host "example 102.xxx:80": Prints an example proxy address in yellow.
- Read-Host "Input filename": Prompts the user to input the filename containing the proxy list.
- Check-ProxiesFromFile -filePath $filePath: Calls the function to check proxies from the provided file.
This PowerShell script checks the connectivity of proxies listed in a file to see if they can access http://google.com
:- Tests if a given proxy can access
. - Returns
if successful,false
- Tests if a given proxy can access
:- Reads a list of proxies from a file.
- Checks each proxy's connectivity using
. - Outputs results to the console.
:- Displays a block of ASCII art in the console.
Display ASCII Art:
Check Proxies:
Write-Host "example 102.xxx:80" -ForegroundColor Yellow $filePath = Read-Host "Input filename" Check-ProxiesFromFile -filePath $filePath
- Replace
with an example proxy address. - Provide the path to the file containing proxy addresses when prompted.
- Replace
- Ensure the proxy list file exists and is accessible.
- The script outputs results with color-coded messages: green for success and red for failure.
Download the Executable:

Click the image above to go to the latest release page and download the executable.
SHA256 af3715982b12ba687572176ad36f267d00951f6bb6a5e95255d1818f00341609:PxChk.exe;
Video Demo: https://crax.tube/watch/proxy-checker-pxchk_GzfZvC49OqKD15L.html