
deep learning projects for healthcare applications using CNN, RNN, attention mechanism, memory network, and graph representation, etc.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Deep Learning for Healthcare

This is a collection of my deep learning projects for healthcare applications.

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for pneumonia prediction using chest X-Ray images

  • build a CNN architecture with convolutional layers and maxpooling layers
  • fine tune a pre-trained ResNet18 model for pneumonia classification
  • data pre-processing: data leakage, handling imbalance
  • fine tune a pre-trained DenseNet121 model for predition of 14 conditions
  • evaluation metrics such as ROC curve, sensitivity, specificity, f1 score, PPV, and NPV
  • GradCAM visualization for model interpretation
  • packages: Python torch, torchvision, keras, sklearn
  • keywords: CNN, X-Ray image, radiology diagnosis

Brain Tumor Auto-Segmentation for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

  • build a neural network based on 3D U-Net to automatically segment tumor regions from MRI scans
  • use Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) for loss function
  • packages: Python keras, tensorflow, nibabel
  • keywords: CNN, MRI, segmentation, computer vision

The Convolutional Attention for Multi-Label classification (CAML) model for medical codes prediction

  • implement the CAML model for disease prediction (20 classes) from clinical notes (chest X-ray reports)
  • use a per-label attention mechanism to learn specific representation for each label
  • packages: Python torch
  • keywords: CNN, attention, clinical notes annotation

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model for heart failure prediction using clinical diagnosis codes

  • build a bi-directional Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model to predict heart failure using clinical diagnosis codes
  • define custom dataset class, collate function, data loader, and the RNN architecture
  • packages: Python torch
  • keywords: RNN, heart failure, diagnosis codes

RETAIN, a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model with attention mechanism for heart failure prediction

  • build a RNN model with reverse time attention mechanism for heart failure prediction from clinical visits and diagnosis codes
  • use 2 attentiona mechnisms for codes within each visit and visits for each patient, respectively
  • packages: Python torch, sklearn
  • keywords: RNN, attention, heart failure, diagnosis codes

MINA, a multilevel knowledge-guided attention networks model for heart disease prediction from ECG data

  • implement MINA: Multilevel Knowledge-Guided Attention for Modeling Electrocardiography Signals
  • this is an advanced CNN+RNN model with prior knowledge-guided attention mechanism to classify ECG recordings to predict heart disease
  • define the dataset class, data loader, attention class and the full model
  • packages: Python torch
  • keywords: CNN, RNN, knowledge-guided attention, ECG, heart disease

Seq2seq autoencoder model for patient EHR data embedding and unsupervised clustering

  • use the sequence-to-sequence (Seq2seq) autoencoder model to generate patient EHR embedding from clinical visits and diagnosis codes
  • build a encoder model containing a CNN layer and an attention layer, and a GRU-based decoder model
  • build the Seq2seq architecture connecting the encoder and decoder models
  • use the embedding from the trained Seq2seq model to conduct unsupervised patient clustering (K-means and t-SNE visualization)
  • packages: Python torch, sklearn
  • keywords: Seq2seq, autoencoder, embedding, heart failure, diagnosis codes, clustering

A Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) to classify enzymes

  • implement a graph neural network (GCN) model to predict the mutagenic effect of a certain chemical compound on a specific bacterium
  • each graph is a representation of a chemical structure with vertices standing for atoms and edges representing bonds between atoms
  • packages: Python torch, torch_geometric
  • keywords: GCN

GAMENet, a graph augmented memory network for medication combination recommendation

  • implement GAMENet, a memory network consisting of an input feature map, generalization, an output feature map, and a response component
  • given diagnosis codes and procedure codes for the current visit, patient history and EHR graph, predict medication combination of current visit
  • create patient representation using 2 RNNs from patient diagnosis and procedure data
  • generate and update graph memory bank and dynamic memory table, and make predictions from the output of the memory network
  • packages: Python torch, sklearn
  • keywords: memory network, GCN, medication combination recommendation

Word embeddings for medical text

  • train a word2vec model for the NFCorpus dataset
  • evaluate the model by checking similar words of a given word
  • t-SNE and UMAP visualization of the medical representation
  • packages: Python nltk, gensim, sklearn, umap
  • keywords: word embedding, medical text

Heart failure prediction using basic machine learning models

  • construct feature for patient clinical data of visits and events, and save data into the SVMLight format of sparse representation
  • compare different ML models including logistic regression, SVM, and decision tree
  • packages: Python numpy, sklearn
  • keywords: sparse representation, logistic regression, SVM, decision tree, heart failure

Heart failure prediction using neural networks

  • implement a basic neural network model using PyTorch framework for heart failure prediction
  • packages: Python torch, numpy, sklearn
  • keywords: neural network, heart failure

Machine Learning / Deep Learning Projects outside this repo

Other healthcare Machine Learning / Deep Learning projects

Reproduction study for RefDNN: a neural network for cancer drug resistance prediction

NLP-based disease label extraction using NegBio and clinical question answering using BERT

Cell dimension reduction and clustering: Single-Cell RNA and Protein Profiling

Other Machine Learning / Deep Learning Projects

see this repo here