Image Manipulation using Region Quadtrees.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A command-line program used to perform various operations on bitmap images using region quadtrees.

It's name, Quadtree Image Manipulation Program (abbreviated as QTIMP), is inspired by GIMP.


Usage: qtimp [OPTION]...
Image manipulation using quadtrees.

  -h, --help          Print help and exit
  -V, --version       Print version and exit
  -u, --union         Find the union of two bitmaps
  -n, --intersect     Find the intersection of two bitmaps
  -r, --invert        Complement all pixels in an image
  -p, --properties    Display bitmap properties
  -c, --convert       Convert a color image to B&W
  -i, --infile=FILE   Input one or more bitmaps
  -o, --outfile=FILE  Save the output to a specific path/image


An image must meet the below requirements to achieve proper results.

  • Must be a black-and-white bitmap image.
  • Image size must be a power of two.
  • To perform a union/intersection of two images, both images must be of the same size to obtain a proper output.
  • The bit depth of a bitmap image must be equal to 24 bit without a colortable.


  • Perform a Union of two images:
qtimp -u -i 512x512_hatandtie.bmp -i 512x512_specsandmustache.bmp -o 512x512_facewithtie.bmp
Image One Image Two Union
  • Perform an Intersection of two images:
qtimp -n -i 256x256_eyes.bmp -i 256x256_mouth.bmp -o 256x256_googlyface.bmp
Image One Image Two Intersection

Optionally, the --invert flag can be passed along with --union or --intersect to invert the union/intersection of two images.

qtimp -n -i 256x256_eyes.bmp -i 256x256_mouth.bmp -o 256x256_googlyface.bmp -r

Otherwise, it can be used to invert a single image as well.

  • Invert a bitmap image:
qtimp -r -i 256x256_mouth.bmp -o 256x256_mouth_inverted.bmp
  • Display properties of a bitmap image:
qtimp -p -i 64x64_checkerboard_regular.bmp
Properties (64x64_checkerboard_regular.bmp):
Image resolution: 64x64 | bit depth: 24
Total pixels: 12288 | whites: 6144 | blacks: 6144
Tree level: 6 | Total nodes: 85 | greys: 21 | whites: 32 | blacks: 32
Raw image size: ~0.012 MB | Quadtree size: ~0.004 MB | Size reduction: ~67%
  • Convert a color bitmap to B&W:
qtimp -c -i 64x64_color_face.bmp -o 64x64_bw_face.bmp


  • Binaries for Linux and Windows are available in the releases section.



  • GCC <=9.4.0 (linux)
  • MinGW-w64 <=8.1.0 (windows)
  • make
  • git

Building using other versions of GCC haven't been tested. Expect build errors.


  • Clone the repo.

    git clone https://github.com/hyPnOtICDo0g/QTIMP --depth=1
  • Navigate to the repo's folder.

    cd QTIMP


make linux


Dependencies can be installed via scoop.

scoop install git mingw
make windows