Insight is a simple Socket Server for Unity. It leverages Telepathy and Mirror a net connection that can run at the same time as a NetworkManager. It can also be its own standalone network connection. The original goal of this project was to create a secondary connection to allow a MasterServer. It can be used for that or many other things. The InsightServer can run on its own or with modules.
Mirror - Download from the Asset Store or Github
Unity - Targeting 2014.4 currently. Plans to move to 2018 soon.
You can run both the Client and Server from the same exe but the scope of this project and examples expect that you would have a seperate Client and Server. In most cases there would be multiple Servers providing different services. Due to this design decision there is no easy way to showcase the project without first making a standalone build. The included Build script should make this process painless.
Download this project and open in Unity.
Download Mirror from one of the two locations listed above.
Build one of the example scenes via the Tools menu.
SpawnerModule - Creates ZoneServers on Start and OnDemand (OnDemand not implemented yet)
ChatModule - Sends messages to players anywhere in the game. (Not fully implemented yet)
DatabaseModule - Working on support for MySQL and SQLite
ZoneModule - Manage the Zones spawned by SpawnerModule
Follow the included Mirror license. Otherwise Insight has no specific licensing of its own and can be used/copied anyway you see fit.