
Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


ROS project for Antdroid, controlled by RPi 3b and 2 Adafruit servo controller boards.
The author of Antdroid used a Raspberry Pi together with an Arduino to control the hexpod.
I use a Raspberry Pi 3b to communicate through I2C with 2 servo controller boards, without Arduino board. So I wrote my own ROS project. I implemented 3 walking gaits mentioned in this article



  • Servos should be put at the right angle in installation, otherwise the legs may conflict each other
  • Upon the first test, it's highly recommended to support the body so that it dosen't apply weight to the legs.

Software installation:

Flash the Ubiquity image with ROS kinetic pre-installed(2019-02-19) to RPi SD card

On PC with Ubuntu:

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/phil333/face_detection.git
git clone https://github.com/hyansuper/hexapod.git
mv hexapod/CMakeLists.txt.for_PC hexapod/CMakeLists.txt
cd ..

On RPi:

sudo apt-get install libi2c-dev -y
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/hyansuper/hexapod.git
cd ..

Then, setup env variables on both PC and RPi for multiple machine communication in the same local network

Configure the servos:

... I'll illustrate later ...
read the src/servo_driver.cpp and yaml/servo_config.yaml file and see if you can figure it out yourself, basically it's using some "rosservice call ..." commands


On PC:

roscore &
roslaunch hexapod pc_maximum.launch    

On RPi:

roslaunch hexapod pi_minimum.launch

On any terminal:

(stand up:)
rostopic pub --once /rise/goal [tab][tab]
    z: 0.13

rosrun hexapod test.py

rostopic pub -r 3 /vel_cmd [tab][tab]
    x: 0.04
(change gait:)
rosservice call /set_gait "name: 'wave/tripod/ripple'"

Face tracking test:

On RPi:

roslaunch hexapod camerav1_640x480.launch

On PC:

roslaunch hexapod track_face.launch
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
(under 'raspicam_node' tab, check 'hflip')
(under 'face_tracking' tab, set imageInput: /raspicam_node/image, publish: Publish_Data(2))