
A simple Zsh shell theme

MIT LicenseMIT

Zsh-Theme : Arity

A simple Zsh shell theme. Arity is a theme designed for readability and to give an overview at a glance.

Arity Theme Screenshot


Arity works best with Oh My Zsh. Copy the theme file to your $OHMYZSH/custom/themes directory. Unless you've changed it, $OHMYZSH=~/.oh-my-zsh. In your .zshrc, set ZSH_THEME="arity." Your shell will automaticaly take cake of the rest. If you don't have Oh My Zsh, simply source the theme file in any of your shell startup scripts.


Arity displays

  • The path in green
  • Git status in cyan, seperated by a pipe. Automatically appears and disappears
    • Contains branch name, and whether you have untracked changes
  • Has 2 lines
    • Typing in the next line lets you use the whole console's width for command.
    • Gives a whole line for you path. Feel free to be 10 folder deep.
    • Both lines are smoothly connected with ASCII art