
Mobile application to control robots

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


A mobile app to control robots and connected devices.

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Build Status


screen1 screen2 screen3

How It Works

The Commander mobile application can communicate with any device using the Common Protocol for Programming Physical I/O.

Cylon, Gobot and Artoo are frameworks that implement an API compatible with this protocol.

Commander can be used to send commands to your robots or listen for events coming from them.

The connection to your robots can be accomplished by using http, web sockets or mqtt protocols.

You can load a "command set" that is a list of the preconfigured commands and you can choose between different types of layouts.

Using Commander


Google Play iTunes

Configure your robot API url

This is where you set the robots server endpoint, frameworks by default use port 3000. Visit API Guide for more information.

Use the ip of the machine where the server is running instead of localhost, so it can be reached from your phone. Also make sure you phone is connected to the same network.

To Add a Connection:

  1. Go to the right Menu -> Connection
  2. On the API URL field, type the url of your robot's API server. (Ex:
  3. Click Save

To Edit a Connection:

  1. Go to the right Menu -> Connection
  2. Click on the connection you want to edit.
  3. Enter the new url for your connection.
  4. Click on the arrow button to save.
  5. Click on the cancel button to cancel.

To Switch to a different Connection:

  1. Go to the right Menu -> Connection
  2. Locatet the connection you want to use and click on the 'Use' button.

Loading Command Sets

To create commands you need to load a command set from a json file or from your current API connection. This allows you to store your command set alongside your robot, therefore you won't need to enter command details manually.

Visit https://github.com/hybridgroup/commander/tree/master/examples for some command set examples.

Loading command sets from a json file gives you the opportunity to define your type of command set layout to use, like a joystick for example, define how many joysticks do you want, if you need buttons, etc.

Loading command sets from API or current connection, will create a default list command set.

Loading From JSON file.

Loading from a json file hosted on a server.

  1. Go to the right Menu -> Command Sets
  2. Locate and expand the Load command sets from json section, On the URL field, type the url where your json command set is hosted. (Ex: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hybridgroup/commander/master/examples/arduino/arduino-list.json)
  3. Click Load button
  4. Once loaded, click on the 'Use' button.

Loading from a json file returned by an API compatible with cppp-io.

  1. Go to the right Menu -> Command Sets
  2. Locate and expand the Load command sets from json section, On the URL field, type the url of your API. (Ex.,,
  3. Click Load button
  4. Once loaded, click on the 'Use' button.

Loading From Current Connection.

  1. Go to the right Menu -> Command Sets
  2. Locate and expand the Load command sets from connection.
  3. Click Load button

Defining Protocols


This is the default protocol commander uses. The command set can include a protocol key with the http value, if not included, http will be used.

Commander current connection should point to your robot http api.

Commands will be execute by sending simple REST requests.


Enable connection through web socket by setting the protocol key on your command set to socketio.

A web socket will be created using the current commander connection host and port.

Commands will be executed by emitting events through the web socket.


Enable connection through mqtt by setting the protocol key on your command set to mqtt.

A web socket will be created using the current commander connection host and port.

Commands will be executed by publishing messages to the mqtt broker.

Using Command Sets

Select command set to use

  1. Go to the right Menu -> Command Sets
  2. On the Local Command Sets list, click the 'Use' button on the command set you want to use.

Once selected, just tap on any of the commands on the list. This will execute the command on the robot api.



Once selected, just tap on any of the buttons, up, down, left or right. This will execute the command on the robot api.



Once selected, just move the joystick or touch the buttons. This will execute the command on the robot api.


Command Activity Log

  1. You should see a green/red indicator on the top/right corner of a command set window. That indicates the execution status of the last command tapped.
  2. Click the green/red indicator for more info about the command execution status.

Create your own command set

Command sets are a json object with a command_set root and the following attributes:

  • name
  • type (list/d-pad)
  • commands
  • protocol
  • orientation

Command set structure

  • name - The name of the command set, it must be unique. If you load a command set with the same twice the command set will be updated, not duplicated.
  • type - There are currently two possible options:
    • list - A list of buttons
    • d-pad - A directional pad (up, down, left, right)
    • joystick - A single or double joystick with action buttons.
  • commands - It's an array of commands
  • protocol - Type of protocol to use, currently we support http and socketio. If not present, default is http.
  • orientation - Lock orientation on your device while using the current command set (landscape|portrait).

Command structure

  • label - For a button list, this is the label of the button.
  • robot - Name of the robot the command that will be executed in.
  • device - Name of the device the command that will be executed in. If the command is a robot command, leave this blank.
  • name - Actual command name as defined in the API. Example: sendNotification
  • type - Used to render a stick for joysticks or a button for joystick and d-pad command sets.
  • color - Used for buttons only, when color is present (red|gree|blue|yellow), the button style will be rendered with the specified color, default is white.
  • params - An object/hash that contains the params the command requires, it's optional.

####Command Structure Extras

  • You can combine buttons within d-pad or joystick command sets. If commands of type button are present, buttons will be rendered bellow the joystick or d-pad.
  • You can have a single or a double joystick.
  • button commands will send 2 requests with an extra action param, one request for the press action action:'press' and one for the release action action:'release'.
  • stick commands will send a single request every time the position of the stick changes, sending the position param as position:{'x':0.1,'y':0.5}.

List Layout Structure Example:

  "command_set": {
    "name": "Command set name",
    "type": "list",
    "commands": [
        "label": "Robot move forward",
        "robot": "r2-d2",
        "device": "",
        "name": "move_forward",
        "params": {"velocity": 1000}
        "label": "Device blink",
        "robot": "r2-d2",
        "device": "back_led",
        "name": "blink",
        "params": {"color": "blue"}

Here is an example of a command set with a D-Pad layout to control a Sphero robot: https://github.com/hybridgroup/commander/blob/master/examples/sphero-dpad/sphero-dpad.json


If you have any question or you found an issue, please let us know

You can also found us on irc channel #robotops


Commander has been developed using PhoneGap (http://phonegap.com/) and Ionic Framework (http://ionicframework.com/)

Getting ready to build.

Here there are the basic steps to have running Commander locally.

  1. Make sure you have installed Node.js:
$ node -v

If not installed try using homebrew brew install node, or directly from the package file.

  1. Install Ionic, Gulp, Cordova and Phonegap:
$ sudo npm install -g cordova ionic gulp phonegap

If on Windows, avoid using sudo.

  1. Clone Commander repo and get into it:
$ git clone git@github.com:hybridgroup/commander.git
$ cd commander

Then install the application and run gulp in order to get dependencies working locally.

$ npm install
$ gulp install

Now, you are ready to start playing with Commander!

Building, emulating and running.

There are multiple ways you can start playing with Commander. You can either run the web server, emulate the application using an emulator of your choice, run it as a native app directly on your mobile device or use the PhoneGap Developer App. Either way, you first need to setup the devices properly.

Web server

For this purpose you just need to run this command:

$ ionic serve

This will launch a browser tab that will automatically render your changes every time you update your code. You can use it to preview your changes on your mobile device's browser as well.


For this purpose you need to define the platforms you will be working on with the commander app, then set and configure the emulator properly, according to the PhoneGap Platform Guides.

First you need tell Commander which platforms you will be using, so you need to run:

$ ionic platform add android
$ ionic platform add ios

NOTE: If you aren't on Mac, avoid adding the iOS platform.

In case you need to add more platforms to Commander, you need to run the platform method including your new platforms as follows:

$ ionic platform add wp8

In the case of Android you need to install the Android SDK and configure the emulator beforehand. You might need to configure the Android Emulator. Then, in order to make works the Cordova CLI you need to add this to your '~.bash_profile`:

export PATH=${PATH}:/Development/adt-bundle/sdk/platform-tools:/Development/adt-bundle/sdk/tools

The path used in this case is the path where you have your android SDK properly installed.

Next you need to update the android project to add the location.properties file containing the SDK location:

$ android update project --subprojects -p platforms/android/

NOTE: For more detailed instructions follow the PhoneGap Android Platform Guide.

Once you have finished configuring your Android SDK, you're ready to emulate the Android app. Execute this in order to build and emulate your app trough the CLI:

With Ionic

$ ionic build android
$ ionic run android

With Cordova

$ cordova build android
$ cordova emulate android

With PhoneGap

$ phonegap build android
$ phonegap emulate android

Ionic runs the application for an Android device instead of emulating it, so we need to use run instead of emulate. You can also use a Genymotion in order to emulate your app.

Ionic recommends to run this command any time you make changes to the www folder.

$ cordova prepare android

For running your app directly on your device, you need to replace the emulate command with run. Example:

$ ionic run android
$ cordova run android
$ phonegap run android


To run project in iOS emulator:

$ ionic emulate ios

To run project in android device (You can use Genymotion too):

$ ionic run android


If you need to add a plugin

$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device

Note: You need to add your plugin to plugins.json config file in order to maintain the build process successful.


The code for Commander includes a number of automated tests. In order to run them, make sure you've installed the most recent packages dependencies for Commander. In order to do this, run:

$ bower install
$ gulp install

Then just run the test suite:

$ npm test

It will automatically execute your tests every time you modify the observed files.


In order to modify styles of commander application, you need to work on the www/scss files and use gulp to compile and watch changes on your files. Remember to compile before build and test on a device.

$ gulp commander # To compile scss files
$ gulp watch-commander # To keep watching changes on scss files

In order to modify global styles of ionic framework, you need to watch for changes on www/lib/ionic/scss files.

$ sass --watch scss/ionic.app.scss:www/lib/ionic/css/ionic.css


Copyright (c) 2014 The Hybrid Group. Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.