
"ProLyzer" is a system which will guide you about the product you want to buy and also help the manufacturer/sellers to know the public opinion about their product's features.


Selling the product through Web has become more popular because of online shopping. This enables merchants to sell their products through Web and expects the customer to express their opinion through online about the product which they have purchased. Due to this we find number of customer reviews on a particular product, it varies from hundreds to thousands, for some product it is more than that. In order to help the customer and the manufacture/merchant we propose a semantic based approach to mine different product features and to find the opinion summarization about each of these extracted product features by means of web user opinion expressed through the customer reviews using typed dependency relation and display them in graphical format.


  • Stanford NLP

  • SenticNet

  • SentiWordNet

  • WordNet

  • Java

  • MongoDB

  • Loopback

  • AngularJs

  • Angular Material Design

  • AngularUI

  • Bootstrap 3+

  • Firebase


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